With reports of M.A.N.T.I.S special forces launching a series of attacks on Octan operations and instillations all across the sector, the Octan board of directors has decided to take the initative and have reassigned Ensign Claudius' team to Jurin II to begin overseeing the contstruction of a series of strategically positioned outposts, along major supply routes in the Jungles of Jurin II, to give Octan emlployees a measure of security
Here, Ensin Claudius crews an Octan heavy lifting device©, outfited with an ecavator bucket attachment begins excavating the foundations for the outpost barracks while two Octan sonar watchtowers crewed by Dr. Longs new peacekeeping force keep an eye out for pesky M.A.N.T.I.S intruders
The Octan employees will be protected by a powerful neutrino-beam charger fence, which is effective aginst most unshielded mechs and land-based veichles. You can also see the dampening equipment at the end of each fence section and the neutrino reactor in the foreground. On the left are the remains of a once grand jungle, razed by Octan advance forces to provide room for their new fortress. Regretable work, but necessary to keep Andromeneda in lawful hands!
Octan will gain control of Jurin II yet-all hail Lord buisness!
Notes: This was a fun little build and also my first with a (albiet simple) border-I'll let you guys judge how it came out, but I really think borders add something to small builds. Most of my builds start with a theme and here it was how the corporations actions are destroying the enviroment of Andromneda, in their rush to aquire resources (a bit like my challenge build that I regretably didn't have time to post) . Consequently, in the build itself I tried to make a contrast between the clean lines of the octan outpost and the chaoitc nature of the jungle. As ever C&C welcome
Danny, I hope you don't mind my use of your troops in the story-should probaly have asked!