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Sergeant Bolton has been busy negotiating with the Onondaga people for long term trade relationships. Chief Otetiani has responded the most favorably to Bolton's trade discussions and friendship though the overall perception among the natives has been favorable. One of the things Bolton has been learning is what the Onondaga people have to offer in trade. In the present, they have the ability to provide housing to the early settlers. They also have great knowledge of the agriculture that grows and the animals on the island. In the future, they wished to trade furs, bead jewelry, and meat with the Corlanders.
The younger generation learning how to string beads. Some haven't quite gotten it.
The Onondaga admire the horses.
Preparing hides
Local garden
Cooking for the tribe
Hunting party leaving while younger boys wave and girls play with cornhusk dolls.
Second Overview
Edit: Total brick count of 8256. It kept crashing once I got about half of the fences up so I had to delete one of the longhouses in order to help out. Though in the end I just had to work a few at a time and resave. The large renders took on average 24 hours each in POV Ray, but the smaller scenes I used Bluerender on and they would take 20 minutes tops.