Hi everyone,
here is my latest MOC The Brick and Stud Tavern which I've been working on for the last couple of months, a couple of bricklink orders slowed things down a little.
I've wanted to do a pub for a while now and wanted to include more scene's with water so it seemed a good idea to combine the two. I had to scale it down from the quayside/fishing port I had in mind originally (Perhaps that will wait for another day), so a small river or canal seemed the obvious choice. This is inspired by canals seen in the UK, maybe I'll do a dutch canal someday
I took ideas from - The Riverbank cottage - a previous MOC of mine which I made last year.
I spent quite a bit of time perfecting the windows trying to get the right proportions on the lintels and framing without leaving unsightly gaps. The canal boat/narrowboat was something I had in mind to make the water look a little more interesting and went through several revisions before settling with this one. I found it difficult to get a sharp point on the front of the boat and eventually settled for a simpler rounded shape, perhaps not as realistic but nevermind!
Sadly no interior this time round as I was mainly focused on landscaping.
Anyway on with the pics, there are only 4 on this occasion;
If you'd rather view them on flickr the link is here https://www.flickr.c...s/52656812@N04/
Here's hoping for a new camera for my birthday this year!
Any thoughts or comments welcomed!