[pid][/pid] 154D
After more than two and a half years of research, design, and construction I am proud to present you with His Majesties Ship of the line Persephone.
Many of you have been following her construction in the work in progress thread from conception and I thank you for your support and advice. This thread is intended to be a running series of projects related to this ship. Persephone was built as a means of presenting what life was like on a ship of the line in the 18th and 19th centuries. Now that she is finished, there are many stories that I would like to tell. For now though, I would simply like to present the ship:
About the build, it is hard to say at this point but an estimated 4000 bricks went in to this project. Over 1000 of them are in the 64 brick-built cannons alone. From bowsprit to spanker boom she measures 162 studs, reaching a height of three feet. Under sail, she flies 14 custom sails. Many yards of 7 different kinds of string and yarn keep her masts and spars in place with no glue required. Other details about her construction can be found in the WIP thread, but please feel free to ask any questions you may have here. Since she now sits an empty oak, in order to properly tell her tale we must get the crew aboard.
They are a lively bunch, and more than willing to answer any questions you might have about life at sea in a man-o-war. There will be plenty more to follow, and as always your comments and criticisms are most welcome!
Dread Pirate Wesley
New update post #29 on 9/18: Welcome aboard!
New update post #33 on 9/22: Below decks