Just put together my first modular, the Pet Shop. Aside from one missing piece (1x4 grey baseplate, which I've since discovered others also found missing), I noticed that the white decoration above the front door of the apartment looked odd. It's made from two "undercarriage" pieces, part 4222968. I've also seen this piece used as skis.
However, in my set they've supplied part 6010739. It lacks the hinge joint, which in the Pet Shop set is seen at an angle and is supposed to look like scroll-work. I built the thing without realizing, then wondered why it looked... silly. Then I noticed the slight difference in the pieces.
I've searched this forum to find a few reviews showing other people's builds, and they all seem to have the correct part. The box artwork and the brick list in the instructions also have the correct part. Just wondering if anyone else has found this problem? (I purchased the set from Australia's Lego store but it was out of stock and was eventually sent, I believe, from overseas. Hard to tell from the postage label these days.)
[ugh, can't post links and images on my first post. Brickset has the parts illustrated.]