Hi everybody !
So today, I'm really happy to present you the car I've worked on day and night for the last 3 weeks : a Porsche 919 Hybrid, my dream Porsche !
So the model features :
- Direction with a HOG and a working steering wheel
- Independent suspension on each axle
- Realistic door opening mechanism
- 4 speed sequential gearbox
- V4 fake engine with turbo.
The design :
I worked a lot on the design, trying to make it look as close as the real model.
Functions :
Front suspension are done like this :
This system allow a small travel and it lets enough space to place the gear rack just under the shock absorber, so the front axle is really compact.
The door are opened by a simple mechanism using 6L links.
The most important function is the 4 speed sequential gearbox. It use NLF77 shifting system, slithy modified to make it smaller, like so :
The V4 engine is just above the gearbox, to save some space. The gearbox is not really special, except the fact that the 2 driving rings aren't close to each other ( a bit like the 42056, except the fact that it works )
Full flickr gallery : https://www.flickr.c...157669736641790
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