This topic might be a little off topic. But I was wondering what you guys listen to(if anything) while you're MOCing. Do you have particular genres or playlists that you find more suitable to MOCing?
Personally, I really like my instrumental play list for "in general" MOCing music. Its comprised of a lot of video game and movie Soundtracks, and things like Two Steps From hell, just general "epic" theme music. I find instrumental stuff is less distracting than music with lyrics to it. I also listen to a lot of instrumental post rock/metal bands so when I want a Guitar/bass/drum vibe I play my post rock/metal playlist, even though there are things in there with vocals its got a lot that isn't. I'll also try and find fitting music for a specific MOC to even more inspire me or get me in the right mindset. Like for the Cerberus Chopper. I tried finding a lot of hard rock, and had Godsmack on heavy rotation, something I felt a modern day biker might listen to. You guys ever listen to music based on what might fit your MOC or what it might listen to?