<p>The pirate endured a terrific storm last night, in which their ship was dashed against the rocks. Many died, but quite a few swam to shore and the first mate is the last to make it off the boat. He briefly wonders what has happened to the crew (and why the rat is staying on the boat remains, surely they are the first to abandon ship?) but all these thoughts are pushed from his mind when he spots the islanders. Beautiful ladies with big smiles and that grinning chap seems alright too, friendly, ahhh he's saved....
IsleOfJewelsCloseUp, on Flickr
First mate wades to shore, greeted by friendly locals
ShipwreckedWithFriendlyNatives, on Flickr
But all is not as it seems on this beautiful island, sure the islanders are the happiest people you will meet, but maybe its because they are preparing for the big feast of roasted pirate... char-grilled and slow roasted over the lava flow provided by the angry Volcano God.
RoastPirates, on Flickr
The brains are the best bit so its good to remove them from the body and eat them while they are fresh and if you don't keep up with the latest fashion in hairpieces you don't get to come to the feast so its important to get the first pick of the new bones!
Brains and Bone Fashion[/url, on Flickr
And most importantly of all sacrifices must be made to the mighty Volcano God to keep him happy. Many pirates are beheaded and thrown into his fiery crator (the Islanders keep the brains though).
Volcanic Sacrifice, on Flickr
Hope you like my entry of Happy Islanders at work!
IsleOfJewelsVolcano, on Flickr