Hi guys, Salut tout le monde, I'de like to share here some links to The NXT Step blog where is presented the ROBOT REMIX #1 challenge, where the MINDSTORMS team challenged some of the MCP (MINDSTORMS Community Partners) to come up with creative ways to remix a given Technic set and the Home edition of the EV3 set.
for ROBOT REMIX #1 the Technic set is the brand new Sea Plane, a great Technic set that happens to be in the same color scheme ;)
In this first post, is explained in a bit more details what is ROBOT REMIX http://www.thenxtstep.com/2015/08/robot-remix-1.html
Then this week was presented the first of 4 remix, this one from master Isogawa http://www.thenxtstep.com/2015/08/robot-remix-1-exhibit-helicopt3r.html
Stay tune for the presentation of the other 3 remix in the coming weeks.
: . . baz