I want to use old parts in my MOCs. That's why I use MLCad and LeoCAD.
What I've done to render my MOC
I open LeoCAD:
- I loaded the model in LeoCAD
- I go to "File" => "Export" => "POV-Ray"
- I select Output File - here I am not sure - I need a existing file?
- I select POV-Ray Executable "C:\Program Files\POV-Ray\v3.7\bin\pvengine64.exe"
- I select "Render Scene"
- I press "ok"
Okay - I can see from the date that Leo worked with the selected Output File
I open POV-Ray:
- I open the Output File
- I select "Run"
- after 5 seconds I get the following result
I am not happy with it - how can I improve it? Thank you for your help!
And hey: I don't mean my building skills ;-)