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"Welcome, welcome! Place your bets here! Hey you... I see you're not from around here. Want to earn some money with these podraces huh? Come closer, let old Watto show you how it's done..." The Goal: During this contest, each faction maintains a prediction of the outcome of the building contest in this thread. This prediction has the form of a ranking of players, in the order the faction thinks they will end. Each faction tries to make its prediction as accurate as possible. How the betting works: As soon as a faction has agreed on its predictions, their bets can be placed. These bets can involve players that haven't submitted a creation for the contest yet, and even players that eventually won't have participated. New players can be added at any time to the ranking, and the place of people that are already in the ranking can be changed. However, as soon as a player has submitted his creation in this forum, his position in each ranking becomes fixed. This means that he can't be added to or moved inside the ranking. It is possible that this player still gains or looses some places in the ranks due to the including or moving of other free players. But once a player is fixed, his position relative to other fixed players can't be changed. So place your bets timely and wisely. Below are some examples of what's possible and impossible according to these rules: Submitting a bet:Both rankings will be kept track of in this post. When internal discussion in each faction has lead to a prediction, two individual players of that faction have to post those prediction in this thread. This is to prevent abuse from single players, acting without permission of the faction. Bets have to be placed in the following form: "Put <insert player name here> on place <insert place number here>" . This form applies to both adding new players to the ranking and changing the position of a player in the ranking. Scoring of the bets:When the episode is finished, all players that participated are fixed, and players that didn't participate will be removed form the rankings. No changes can be made to the rankings. When the scores of the judges are published, this implies the actual ranking. Each faction will then get 1 betting point for every "player A > player B" situation they predicted correctly. The total betting score will be divided by the best possible score (if the eventual ranking would have been flawlessly predicted). This fraction will be multiplied by 25 (so that the betting points won't outweigh the regular points too much). This number will be added to the score for the builds in order to determine which faction has won. Questions and Answers: Q: Will the betting in any way affect the score I get? A: No, the betting will only be used to help to determine which faction wins this round. Your position in the predictions will have no effect on the number of XP you get. That is equal to the number of XP the judges give you, and not directly related to your position in the final ranking. Q: Are we allowed to have individual rankings? A: No, there is one predictive ranking for each faction, and that will be managed by discussion with the entire faction in the corresponding threads of the Avenger and the Redemption. Q: How do we post multiple predictions at once? A: Two persons of the faction just have to enter a list containing the "Put <insert player name here> on place <insert place number here>" statements mentioned above. One post can contain as many bets as you like, as long as someone else of your faction posts the same bets. The Galactic Empire's predictions: markus1984 Disco86 Bob De Quatre WickNole Ninja Nin LegoFjotten MstrOfPppts goatman461 LucasLaughing Jacob Nion TWP Covi Wat Tambor Donnie Bricko Rook Lord Vladivus MKJoshA Jakorin Swiftsword Graham Gidman Pointblank BEAVeR Lord Tyrus Mr Greeble Commander Beltar Lobot Artizan Jannik Kaitan Masked Builder Andrew Spader Nom Carver Lego Spy Kodan Black rogueang GallardoLU floed pihlbrick narbilu TaseTJ KuatDriveYards Flare Wedge09 VK-318 Commander Smith Aland1916 MontyPython Tariq j Mr Breden Behemoth (Goliath) Dapper-D2 Fleet Legofin2012 Mr Man Manx KevFett2011 OHarra Bkrosell James Wellington LegoFan117 Captain Settle Dragonfire korpen4444 theman4090 Scorch93 The Rebel Alliance's predictions: Monty Python goatman461 MstrOfPppts Ninja Nin BEAVeR WickNole LucasLaughing Disco86 markus1984 MKJoshA Flare Sebeus I Pointblank LegoFjotten Donnie Bricko Artizan Wat Tambor Lord Tyrus Manx Wedge09 VK-318 Lego Spy Oharra Commander Beltar Bob De Quatre Dapper-D2 Fleet Mr Greeble Kodan Black Legofin2012 James Wellington Jannik LordVladivus GallardoLU KevFett2011 Kaitan Rook Aland1916 TWP Tariq j philbrick Covi Lobot Nom Carver Masked Builder rogueang Mr Man Behemoth (Goliath) Kuat Drive Yards Dragonfire narbilu theman4090 Bkrosell Mr Breden Captain Settle LegoFan117 korpen4444 Pyrovisionary JaseTJ Ritz Brick BobThePom SlimShady hench Players who've already entered: Graham Gidman, Jakorin Swiftsword, goatman461, Kodan Black, Lord Tyrus, MontyPython, Commander Beltar, Dragonfire, Jannik, Tariq j, MstrOfPppts, Donnie Bricko, Jacob Nion, LucasLaughing, WickNole (last updated 3 May 2015)