The battle of Nar Eurbrikka wasn’t going well. We’d managed to keep the Imperials busy, fighting in the streets - We’d even brought down one or two of their AT-ST’s that they’d rather foolishly brought in to the narrow streets. But it wasn’t enough, we needed to get to the Imperial garrison and do some real damage, and we were just out-gunned by the sheer numbers of Imps on the streets. Even stormtroopers get can get lucky and manage to hit someone if there are enough of them shooting in the right general direction…
Going Underground 1 by Kaitan Tylerguy, on Flickr
Going Underground 3 by Kaitan Tylerguy, on Flickr
Going Underground 2 by Kaitan Tylerguy, on Flickr
Then a local sympathiser showed us something that could turn the tide. An old long forgotten sewer system under the streets. Lieutenant Dromas took us through miles of tunnels, sloshing through the maker-only-knows what. It smelled worse than a two week dead bantha down there.
Going Underground 5 by Kaitan Tylerguy, on Flickr
Going Underground 4 by Kaitan Tylerguy, on Flickr
Finally we reached our destination, directly under the garrison. Then having planted the thermal detonators and set the timers, we began the long stinking journey back, feeling very optimistic. The tide was about to turn…
Going Underground 6 by Kaitan Tylerguy, on Flickr
My original intention for this MOC was purely practice. Practicing some new (to me) building techniques, and practising taking half decent photos. Then I realised it could be used for SoNE :) So I would like it to be judged please!
Hope I’m not jumping the gun by having a battle on Nar Eurbrikka - Don’t want to spoil any future episodes!
All constructive criticism gratefully received!
Edited to correct some bad grammar...