In the fantastic novel Rebel Dawn by A. C. Crispin, we get to witness the reason for Han's dislike of the Rebel Alliance. His lover Bria Tharen, leader of the Corellian rebel cell "Red Hand Squadron", turns on him and his companions Chewbacca and Lando after looting the treasure chamber of the T'landa Til priests on the Hutt-controlled world of Ylesia. High Priest Teroenza is murdered by Boba Fett by order of Durga Besadii Tai, who had learned of the former's betrayal. The smugglers are not paid for their help during the previous battle against Teroenza's minions, as they were promised. Instead, the Red Hand confiscates all the spice and other valuables in order to finance the Rebellion.
The dead Rodian and Weequay were members of the Nova Force, a mercenary company employed by the Besadii Hutt clan to defend Ylesia against raids. Their anti-infantry cannon can be seen in one of the corners, taken out by a grenade, which damaged and charred the pavement and surrounding area.
The partly-visible building is Teroenza's treasure chamber; the landing ramp is part of a small freighter which will transport the Rebels and their bounty to their flagship in orbit, the Liberator-class carrier Liberator.
Studs: 22x26
Han Solo
Lando Calrissian
Bria Tharen
3 Rebel Commandos
2 mercenaries