I thought it was time for another of my Transformers, Sunstreaker this time.
As with Optimus, this is based on IDW's comics “Infiltration” to “Revelations” from 2008. (That's why he is a Diablo and not a Countach.)
I started in September 2010 and finished in May 2014.
It have been on my MOCpages since then and I recently added it to flickr too.
Sunstreaker Car Front by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
Sunstreaker Car Back by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
A friend helped me to print on tiles. Here is a close up.
Sunstreaker Car Detail by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
And as with my Optimus, he can transform.
Sunstreaker Robot 1 by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
Sunstreaker Robot back by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
I made a video showing the transformation (no sound. 2x speed)
(I will make one or more that explain in more detail at some point but don't hold your breath)
And here a reference pictures from the comic “Transformers Infiltration”.
(Written by Simon Furman and drawn by E.J. Su)
Sunstreaker ComicCompare by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
A few extra pictures of the inside
Sunstreaker Car inside by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
Sunstreaker Car underside by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
In the comic his hand can change to a gun and I managed to replicate that.
(it works for both hands)
Sunstreaker Robot hand transform by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
And finally a cool pose (it took like 10 minutes to find a pose he could balance in)
Sunstreaker Robot pose by Erik Hagsved, on Flickr
Thanks for reading.