See the rest of the story:
Season 1
Season 2
Junker's Fee
Welcome to Fondor
Fondor City Nightlife
Many Bothans Died... Well At Least One
Fixing to Clear the Mind
Thermal Detonator Pot-Pie
Torturous Trial
The Escape
MKJoshA was forced to leave his ship, Rough Edges, in the space docks above Fondor when he and Kale fled the planet. He knew it would probably be impounded and sold for scrap, but that was a small price to pay to avoid the clutches of the Empire.
Instead of the comforts of his own ship, he and Kale found themselves on board a barely space-worthy vessel known as The Calamity Star.
In his efforts to help Josh escape, Kale had connected with the Rebel Alliance to see if they had any means of assisting. It turned out that they were no better equipped than Kale in helping Josh escape, but they did have a way for them to leave the planet. The Rebel Alliance was pursuing a mutually beneficial relationship with the crime syndicate known as the Black Sun. The Black Sun had a freighter leaving Fondor that day taking cargo to Nar Eurbrikka, and they were in need of two more crew members. Kale had signed the two of them up and they made it off world before the Imperials knew where they had gone.
Josh and Kale needed to get to Kuat, but since the Black Sun was their only safe way off planet and since the Rebels needed their help a detour to Nar Eurbrikka couldn't be avoided.
Josh just hoped the effort in helping the Black Sun was worth it.
OoC: Comments and critiques welcome! I decided to double up my entry for this contest with my SHIP endeavors. Took a lot more bricks than I expected, but I'm pleased with the results.