The Crabber
More photos can be found here:
(May not work for tablet users but the link to my Flickr photo stream is here: ).
The backstory:
Evil Dr krabs has created a new giant crab controlled crab monster called the Crabber that can obliberate anything in it's path. Sadly for Dr. Krabs his giant creation has turned against him and mankind. It's up to the space men to try to stop this mega monster. Can the space explorers rescue themselves and their colleague robot in the back of the crabber?
(Any Comments and Criticisms are appreciated ).
Also a big thanks to Lego and all Eurobricks staff for hosting this great competition and good luck to all contestants.
EDIT: I have updated my pictures with an improved baseplate and two new animals:
I have also included the Statue of Liberty which has 2 monkeys by it, this part kind off resembles the planet of the apes