Previously: Part 4 - A Dangerous Twist
When The Lady brought Malek to the Murphy house, the mummy eyed the mercenary couple dubiously. With their rough leather clothing and shaved heads, the Murphys looked rather disreputable. Hell, Mrs. Murphy even had an eye-patch!
"Don't worry, Malek, they're smarter and nicer than they look, but just as tough. The Murphys will keep you safe. They're some of Kaliphlin's finest."
"What's the meaning of this? How dare you break into my home with swords drawn?" Murphy shouted.
"Where's the traitor?!? We know he's hiding here!" The Desert King guard responded.
"What traitor? Hiding where? Are you kidding me? Do you see this place? Where do you think we could possibly be hiding anyone?"
The mummy guards harrumph, clearly disconcerted. "We had good intelligence he was here. Well . . . " They quietly left.
A few minutes later . . .
"The coast is clear, Malek! Let me give you a hand."
Malek shivered. "That was the worst, coldest, dampest place I can remember! And this is a DRY well!"
"Yeah, sorry 'bout that," said Murphy. "But no one would look for a mummy in the old well! C'mon, the wife has a bottle of pine resin the warm you up."
"Oh! How thoughful! Y'all have been so kind to me!"
I'd like to claim UoP credit for Architecture: Wall Techniques: 1x1 Round Plate Walls.
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome!