Atticus Cuervo and his wife Jazmyn have finally finished construction of their new home on the island of Torrach Bonn. Atticus felt that the island was the perfect location to set up his new venture. Along with his supportive wife and quite a few others, a venture was begun, and a small camp was established at the mouth of the Great Serpentine River in the Southwest corner of the island. The first actual building to be constructed was the Cuervo Villa. Atticus and his dog Zatara have just left to go on a hunt for dinner, as we see Jazmyn waving to her husband.
This is a small residence, licensed in the unnamed town, on the island of Torrach Bonn.
I took my pics today at about 1630, which was the right idea, but unfortunately, the sun was already starting to get low in the sky so...I get shadows. Live and learn right? Also need to get a different background. The sheet is the right idea, but it's going to wrinkle no matter what so I need to find an alternative.