Hi all ;)
I'm starting this post in order to try to put on a standard for RCX controling Train
Aim of the project :
The aim is to define and share a standard to control train by RCX bricks.
Why RCX brick :
There is severals reasons : the first one is that it is a full lego solution, instead of an arduino solution, the second one, the RCX can be powered by 9v pickup from rails. Then, the RCX is able to control 3 outputs, that should be 2 motors, and one light, it can use swiths, rotation captors, optic captors, and it is now not really expensive.
What i have found at this time :
best RCX integration in a loco (most of mine would be in a wagon and not loco) : http://railbricks.com/instructions/gp40-rcx/
more integration and exceptionel controling (for RCX septics) : http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=45440 (here!! if the member can help me:)
another here, with interaction with track : http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=45495 (if member can help me too !!)
My wish :
my wish is a mix of those link. I would like to control train by RCX, if possible by controling the speed, as on the second link and had track reading by swich of bar code reading, in order to not only have a train moving, but had stops (fret and passenger should have different stops), speed increasing or decreasing, pause, and, why not with technic, having optional bar code (if two train are too near one from the other). I think for the begining, i'll do wagon with RCX, and loco motorised, later, i'll look for more RCX and dedicates them in spécific loco as in the third link.
List of action (work open and in progress) :
1 Stop in passenger station
2 Stop in fret station
3 increase speed
4 decrease speed
5 pause x second (different than stop, because follow by every train, RCX shoud know if it is a fret or passenger train in order of good interpreting bar code)
6 not identified at this time ?
so... what do you think about this,