Octan Training Facility: Yetornius, southern pole
Carved out of the super-heated rock of Yetornius, Octan's new training facility houses two contained habitats and access to flora and fauna of I06's own inhabitants. Each enclosure provides new hires with limitless dangers and trials at the hands of the galaxies most feared inhabitants. While nobody is quite sure what interim CEO John Hannibal deposited inside of the damp, jungle bioshere of Containment 1, the student's can't help but see the hungry sand worm slithering beneath the surface of Containment 3.
The campus is powered by an adjacent river of lava, houses thousands of new applicants (graduates few), has personal quarters and landing platform for the company CEO, and room for the comings and goings of the companies starship fleet, their pilots, scientists, explorers, drivers, and military personnel.