Citizens of the Brick Seas,
The following prizes have now been surveyed and are ready for auction with the following minimum prices (50 % of license value):
4A Sleeping Siren 150
4A Blood Diamond 150
4A Cold Heart 150
4A Catfish Supreme 150
3A Damned Carno 125
3A Onishiit 125
3A Cougar 125
2A Symphony of Destruction 75
2A Winger 75
1A Cpastone 38
1A Unnamed 1 38
2A Unnamed 2 75
2A Unnamed 3 75
2A Unnamed 4 75
(5HA Killing Spree and 2A Cargo Hold have been offered as compensation for lost vessels.)
The auction will run as follows:
Bid in this thread with the name(s) of the vessel(s) and your maximum bid(s).
First bids takes precedence. Do not bid if your bid is lower than the existing maximum. It will not be considered.
The deadline is the 5th of July (Anywhere in the world).
Winning bidders will be charged as follows:
2/3 chance to be charged the second highest bid/minimum price. Only earlier bids will be considered, so there is no driving prices up.
1/3 change to be charged a random number between second highest bid and maximum bid. This is to avoid people placing unreasonably high bids to deter others from bidding.
[*]Bids in edited posts will not be considered! If you edit your post, you will have to resubmit your bid in a new post.
Please ask any questions you might have here, and I will try to clarify the rules as necessary.
Unsold prizes will be sold through the prize courts and total proceeds will go towards the common prize pools, shared between all captains in the squadrons.
George Robertson
Undersecretary of State