Now that the second LotR wave sets have been out for awhile it got me thinking, what does everyone else think is the best set of the bunch this time around? How does this wave compare to the first LotR wave and the Hobbit wave so far? Personally I am torn. I generally like the bigger sets best because I feel they offer more (and the price reflects it ), but I feel like the smaller sets actually offer a lot this time around too. I definitely liked the first LotR wave the best though, mainly because of Helm's Deep and the accompanying army/wall builder with the Uruk-hai Army. Please note Tower of Orthanc is not on this list for two reasons. First off it seemed like it would hands down be the winner. Second I don't think it is technically part of wave two since it doesn't share the same LotR logo in the top right?
So, what is YOUR Favorite?