I remember the day I met with that filthy smuggler on Hoth, he managed to escape nearly without a scratch and killed three of my squad mates, ever since I have been trying to find him across the galaxy, the imperial high command has hired a bounty hunter droid known as IG-88 to track him since he has been dealing alot of trouble and may have some clues regarding to the location of some very important person that is being looked for by lord Vader.
The droid has found his ship in an abandoned hangar, we expected him to arrive soon but we never expected it to be that soon...
P1010002 por Nom Carver, en Flickr
P1010006 por Nom Carver, en Flickr
P1010008 por Nom Carver, en Flickr
P1010012 por Nom Carver, en Flickr
P1010042 por Nom Carver, en Flickr
More pics of the Outrider on flickr
I would like this one to be judged.