At the edge of the Reservoir, a contingent of Yukar clean up after a brief battle with Ulandian soldiers. It's been a long time since the Yukar clansmen have been in a battle, but now Petera MacLean calls them to serve the High Council and serve they shall.
The Yukar leader makes ready to plant a banner. Soon, other High Council troops will appear to take full possession of the waterwheel at this location. The waterwheel is considered a vital fixture on the aqueduct, one of a handful that other Yukar are currently capturing. The wheel pulls water up out of the reservoir and send it down the ducts to the rich farmlands nearby.
Yukar are notorious for taking the heads of defeated enemies. Some might not appreciate the pollution of the reservoirs potable water, but it's the last thing on the mind of Tantam, First Executioner for Hataman.