A little something I threw together to make my life easier when creating custom LEGO decorations for LEGO Digital Designer.
These are color swatch sets for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, featuring all current brick colors (according to BrickLink), with black and white color corrected to match LDD's black and white. The Illustrator set is organized by catagory, and since the Photoshop swatch system doesn't allow for this, each catagory is its own set. Even though these are brick colors and not decoration colors, it seems to me that most decorations tend not to stray very far from this palette.
Download Illustrator Swatches
To install the Illustrator swatches, download the file and place it in "C:\Users\[YOUR NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator [VERSION NUMBER] Settings\en_US\x64\Swatches". Once in Illustrator, open the Swatches window, and from the dropdown in the corner of the window choose "Open Swatch Library>User Defined>Lego Colors".
Download Photoshop Swatches
To install the Photoshop swatches, unzip the file and drop the *.ago files into "C:\Users\[YOUR NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop [VERSION NUMBER]\Presets\Color Swatches". Then go to the dropdown menu in the corner of the Swatches pane and select "Replace Swatches", and pick the one you want.