[Moderators, I couldn't figure out if I should make this topic here or for the Minifig Customisation Workshop or for Brick Flicks and Comics or somewhere else completely. Could you please point me in the right direction?]
I love building, I love making MoCs, but I also love using art for a LEGO experience. This can be simply be sketches of LEGO characters, this can be early development and planning for something bigger, and this can also be for advertisements and designs. Throughout my years I used LEGO more than simply building with; I used it as a driving force for a lot of my art. And simply, I wanted to share some of my work that is LEGO driven but not constructed, a MoC built through pencil and paper I suppose
[Development work]
[some early high school art, designed as a screen print T-shirt but was shot down by the school before it could be printed. Ack! That typography is awful too!]
[Advertisements for a college course]
[Pencil Work for a Project]