Location: F03 - Forring
Tags: AG, Octan, F03, Exploration, Ground Vehicle
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This planet is beautiful, with dense forests and dense vegetation, however this makes it very difficult to navigate and the search for awesomnium has been slow. Thank goodness that the Corporation gave me the keys to the newest toy in the garage: The ThunderStepper 3000.
This ExoSuit is wonderful, I have been having loads of fun tromping through the woods, and of course looking for precious materials. I will report back when I am finished, but it may be few days until I have had enough of this tough work!
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more, larger photos here: https://www.flickr.c...157653038277983
Another entry in the continuing saga of Jacques LaRose, explorer for the Octan Corp. I always wanted to do a full exosuit, hope you like it!
Inspirational credit for the trees goes to Mark Falworth, his landscaping is always an inspiration!