B-Wing Starfighter
The B-Wing Starfighter is a new addition to the Neo-Classic Space fleet, featuring dual cockpits, antenna arrays, lots of thrust, and some potent blasters. She's not the most maneuverable ship in the galaxy, but she's got it where it spells, kid.
Over on Flickr and Instagram, Dave Kaleta (I don't think he's on Eurobricks, but I could be wrong) is hosting a contest to build alphabet starfighters. Since I love both spaceships and literacy, I decided to join in the fun. I had to start with my favorite letter, B, piloted by a blue 1980s-something spaceman (and a yellow 2019 spaceman, too). This is my first foray into Neo-Classic Space, and I am decently pleased with the results. And I finally finished a spaceship that I liked, which is a plus, after failing for several years. I threw in as many Classic Space pieces as I could, like the three loudspeakers/positioning rockets on the back, or the computers in the twin cockpits. But of course it is Neo-Classic Space, not Classic Space, so lots of modern curves and tiles made it in, and copious greebles.
When viewed from above, it makes a lovely B.
C&C welcome.