A collab for the Silhouette Category of the 2023 Summer Joust with Sean Mayo, Carter W, Eli Willsea, Micah Beideman and myself. Loosely based off of some concept art released with the announcement of Alto's Oddysey: The Lost City. Instead of making a 6 stud depth build myself, I thought it would be fun to have 6 builders build 1 stud depth "layers" and then compile them into one seamless image, and this is the result!
The layers were built by the builders as follows:
Dk Brown: Sean (Because Grant had to bail last minute)
Reddish Brown: Me
Dark Tan: Carter
Sand Blue: Eli
Medium Blue: Micah
Medium Azure: Sean
And now that I've dissed Grant for bailing last minute, I can also thank Grant for "breaking into" Eli's house and taking pictures of Eli's layer while Eli was out of town so that we could make it by the deadline!
To Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior be the glory!