Down a winding lane of Eubric, a large structure, made of hardened clay, emblazoned in the finest gold, is apparent, casting an imposing shadow on the other, pitiful buildings nearby.
Inside the ebony double doors is a network of tunnels, both above and below ground. In the main hall sits the most important artifacts, not to mention a Rockling of Garnet and rock, wearing a silken top hat and with a maple cane stumping around the halls.
He blinks hard at the new arrival, shuffling over to greet them, adjusting his hat, an air of flustered antiquity about him.
", well, welcome to the Eubric Treasury of Artifacts!...and some other stuff that people don't have anywhere else to put, but that's just for the..." cough " deduction...anyway! I'm Professor J'yod, that's pronounced Y-O-D-E. I have degrees in archaeology and artifact identification, magic and otherwise, from the Academy of Enlightenment, and am the owner and curator of this building. Allow me to take you on a tour..."
Quests 1 - 47, 49, 51
Exhibit the First - Quest Items
Exhibit the Second - Consumables
Exhibit the Third - Equipment and Loot
Exhibit the Fourth - Simple Weapons
Exhibit the Fifth - Advanced Weapons
Exhibit the Sixth - Artifacts