Hi all,
I would like to show you a MOC based on an already existing creation of @afolman which can be found on internet. It is a miniature Atari 2600 - woody version with four levers - it is very simple and quite solid.
I reworked a bit the Joystick and the four levers, which are made by four silver minifig screwdrivers inside a Pneumatic pipe, squeezed by the two slope bricks.
I saw many similar creations on Internet but I wanted to go one step beyond, making it functional and usable.
I therefore designed it to be empty inside.
In this way I could accomodate a very small Raspberry PI zero (without WI-FI) in it. I only had to remove a small plastic lid from the little motherboard (the lid can be put on again without problems).
The Mini-HDMI to HDMI adapter was modified to reduce its size, but now I have a dedicated Mini-HDMI to HDMI cable which is surely nicer.
Once installed the RetroPie distribution, and inserted all the roms...pardon...original cartridge images - I can bring my small 2600 everywhere!
Thanks to @afolman for the inspiration. I hope you like it