Cliffside Storehouse
After the brazen attack on the of the newest budding Corrish settlement of Spudkirk, VP of Operations Ralph Clutchington decided to not put all their eggs in one basket. This decision was made so that the settlement would not experience shortages in the aftermath of an attack. The Decision was implemented by building a series of storehouses around the settlement on strategic positions. Also serve as small gun emplacements to further protect the settlement.
Cliffside Storehouse 1 by LM71Blackbird, on Flickr
These storehouses will have a watch posted at all times to help protect the Spudkirk's limited and important assets.
Cliffside Storehouse 3 by LM71Blackbird, on Flickr
VP of Operations, Ralph Clutchington, is personally overseeing the plan and visiting the guards posted to the storehouses around the settlement.
Cliffside Storehouse 2 by LM71Blackbird, on Flickr
On this trip they are also beginning the stocking process by dropping off the first supply of goods to be stored.
Cliffside Storehouse 4 by LM71Blackbird, on Flickr
After seeing @Ayrlego's build in Spudkirk, I really wanted to create something for the settlement as well. C&C are welcome and appreciated and thanks for looking!