Task VI. Amber Cider from Deep Gardens
A little background:
This region of Avalonia was famous of its orchards. Mostly of their apples. The people making cider from many decades. But, the gods wasn't so kind to them. A few long and harsh winters ruined the plants. Making a major set back, of the peoples, who living here.
The remaining fruit trees count as sacred trees, they don't using them for woodworking. This is why, they using evergreen trees. Like the barrels, to containe the cider.
When Conrad arrived, he learned about this forgotten trade. Reopened the cellars, where they found many years old barrels, full of the forgotten brew. The evergreen barrels gave a new taste for the brew, the tree's resin dissolved in the brew. A new taste and colour inspired him, invested some gold in, so this trade would go on again.
The brewery's new logo
They using this machine, tho crush the apples, to collect the juice of the fruit.
To get more customer, new traderouts were made:
From Mitgardia......to Kaliphin.