Hi all, here I am again with a small fortress for challenge l category B. I know it is not that good, but I listened to tips from earlier mocs, that said that I should use cheese slopes on the wall, and more details on the wall, and more plants on the ground. Here it is:
Here are some soldiers from the Black Spire trying to take the fortress (They don't stand a change!)
Ladders and battering rams won't help 'm!
Yup. A dead soldier. Many will follow.
That is a high wall (no it isn't, just perspective).
Details of the left wall. They really need to clean it, all that moss, just gross.
If the Black Spire breaks the doors, there is this warrior (and another I forgot to photograph ) to kill them. Some horses in the stables.
The right wall. Again too dirty. Guys, stop drinking and start cleaning! (I know that the lightning is not good on this pic, sorry.)
So, here is the other warrior on the ground. Apparently I did photograph him. And the soldier on the wall is jumping to kill Black Spire enemies.
That is it, hope you like it! Any form of comment is welcome!