"Many Bothans died to bring us this information"
Hello there, I proudly present to you my MOC "Home One Briefing room"
It has been on Flickr for a bit now, but hadn't gotten around yet posting it here.
Hope you enjoy!
Home One Briefing Room by TWP., on Flickr
Quite satisfied how this one turned out. Was a fun little MOC to do, some of the angles really gave me a headache, but it worked out in the end. In real life the gaps are less then they make it seem in the picture actually!
I'm not really happy how the table turned out, but I consider this a nice practice MOC anyways for when I'll build a bigger Home One room
Some detailed shots:
Home One Briefing Room by TWP., on Flickr
Home One Briefing Room by TWP., on Flickr
Without figs:
Home One Briefing Room by TWP., on Flickr
A bit more pics on my Flickr.
Hope you enjoyed! Be sure to comment if you like it!