It is time to show the East Trade Wind Company sailing!
And here she is: The Stubborn Stern.
She is sailing under the command of Captain Enrico Sombrero Verde.
There she is sailing away
.. and back again
I am very happy about the new lantern design:
Builder's note:
While searching for the harbour I wanted to work on I found a very old and very black ship of mine (with no name).
It was built in a style that I wouldn't do anymore so I was about to disassemble the model, when I thought I should give it a chance.
Because that ship had been build with the simple goal to give the captain his "walkway" (I had not done this on another ship).
So the goal was to leave the basics as they were but to add details and refinements to make the ship look better.
Consequently a lot of yellow was added and many a curved slope.
Then the old red-white colour scheme was modified to green-white.
I've added cannons and the small boat at the stern.
And the custom flag.
C&C welcome