Saga of the Sea Rats, Volume 1: Piraat Rhys in Bastion
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Ooc: This is my 5th (5e) build for February....if you are not lucky enough to be a Sea Rat, please state your approval or if you likey
Log Entry
27 February 616
Dead Man's Rock, Bastion Harbour
License type: Residence (small)
Capt. Rhys Flaidd DeTaillefer
.....Sandbank? More like small island.....there's just enough of it that stays dry, even during a Spring Tide..
Fishing at the Captain's Shanty on Flickr
We built a dock and small bridge to connect her to the lighthouse proper....
Lighthouse and Captain's Shanty on Flickr
I have a small porch on the roof that allows me to survey the harbour during my down time from the ship.
I've been working on improving the navigation maps for our captains and helmsmen....
Widow's Porch on the Shanty on Flickr
Though isolated, we get regular supplies from Bastion....
Fresh supplies from Bastion on Flickr
The gulls must surely think we are daft....
Dead Man's Rock (Bird's Eye View) on Flickr
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