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  1. I have 5 words for you : Villainous Time Traveling Hypnotist Gnomes. So what is this theme? Well the story behind it is that Professor Bronwyn Saturnis has been working on a scientific breakthrough but has run out of funds for the project so she has to turn to a mysterious backer to support her project. But this mysterious backer turns out to the heir to evil, the cruel lord Olpud, son of Ogel! He uses Saturnis's project ,a form of temporal energy, to power an array of time travelling devices! Recruiting the Hyp-gnomes he gathers an army of hypnotised warriors from across history to help he take over the world! Feeling at least slightly responsible for this turn of events Saturnis find herself a team of champions from across time to help her defeat Olpud and hyp-gnomes, Namely: Leo The Spartan prince, Beo the Geatish folkhero, Neo the intergalactic explorer, Cleo the Egyptian Icon, and Theo the American progressive. They must find the pendulum tower, to seek out Hyp-Gnomes not loyal to Olpud's cause who may teach them how the free the hypnotised army from across history so that they might turn them against their kidnapper and commander. SET 1: Hyp-Gnome Time Machine £8.99 - 91 parts ( 80 if we exclude the minifig parts ) Hyp-Gnome time machine 3 by Bismuth83, on Flickr A time machine for a gnome Hypnotist, Leo the spartan is there to stop the Hyp-Gnome from travelling back in time to hypnotise and kidnap warriors from across time to enlist them into Olpud's service. Inspired by the H.G.Wells time machine, it has a spinning time rotor and includes 2 minifigs Leo and a Hyp-Gnome. Set 2: Olpud's HQ - Anachronos Rock £129.99 - 1161 parts (1096 if we don't include the figures ) Olpud's HQ - Anachronos Rock In a foolish attempt to demoralise the champions, Olpud is holding hostage something precious to each of them in his headquarters. Find them hidden in the fortress: Theo's Horse, Cleo's Snake, Leo's Shield, Beo's Monster head, Neo's space helmet and Saturnis's energy hourglasses! These headquarters have plenty of features! with a removable Twin bucket hover catapult with room to store it in the cave, a booby trapped floor in the grey castle tower to drop trespassers into the pit below. There's 5 working cannons and 2 working catapults ( the ammo is include in the build, 4 blue cannisters on the hover catapult and 2 yellow spikeballs on the large catapult. you can separate the fortress into 3 separate sections for better access. you can see across the set the stolen pets and items from the champions. the time energy can be placed into skull totem to power up Olpud's time crown! There's a launcher on top the tower to knock the watchman out of their post. Includes minifigures of : Professor Saturnis (hiking outfit), Theo, Cleo, Neo, Olpud with time crown, Hyp-Gnome (medal piece repurposed as hypnotist's pendulum), Hypnotised Aztec warrior (baseball bat used as a stand it for themacuahuitl part from series 21) , Hypnotised Roman Solider, Hypnotised Persian warrior and a hypnotised Conquistador. Here I've used red eye's to show the 'hypnotised effect' If it were real they would all have unique faces with hypnotised swirly eyes on one side and normal faces on the other, so that you can free the warriors from the hypnosis. All of the names here have meaning, Saturnis is named for Saturn, roman equivalent to Kronos Greek god of time, Olpud is Duplo backwards (like how Ogel is lego backwards) ,hyp-gnome is an obvious portmanteau of hypnotist and Gnome and Champions themselves all share the eo ending and are mostly named for historical figures. Leo is named after king Leonidas of Sparta, Theo is named after Theodore Roosevelt, and Cleo is obviously named for Cleopatra, Beo and Neo are the odd ones out here as they aren't named for historical figure, with Beo being named after Beowulf and Neo meaning new as the future is new? will be new? whatever... Beo doesn't actually appear in either of the sets I've made (maybe I should have sneaked him into the time machine set) But I was trying develop an idea for a whole theme not just the sets I've built. I have not made a minifigure line up for the rest of the hypothetical sets so I'm only entering this theme into the first category. But for fun and to help flesh out the theme concept here is a brief outline of the full wave ( which I have not limited to 5 (as is required for category 2) as it's just for fun) Hypnotised warriors battlepack £14.99 - Hypnotised Pict, Hypnotised Joseon royal guard, Hypnotised roman soldier, Hypnotised Dahomey warrior - build is Camel drawn super-laser £24.99 - Cleo, Theo, Hypnotised Persian warrior, Hyp-gnome - the build is a camel drawn wagon with a huge futuristic cannon on it, it includes 2 camels (to pull the wagon) and a horse (for Theo to ride) War Elephant escape £34.99 - Carthaginian warrior x2, Theo (mountaineering outfit), Hypnotised Nubian archer, Hypnotised Aztec - moulded elephant from the city line with a brick built saddle and a rowboat with a hot air balloon modification. Time Lab £39.99 - Saturnis (hazmat suit), Neo (hazmat suit), Olpud (spacesuit), Hypnotised Incan warrior, Hypnotised Ninja - build is an interior of a lab with lots of play features. Champion's basecamp £59.99 - Leo, Neo (Casual outfit), Theo (Pyjamas), Saturnis (Pyjamas), Hypnotised Mongolian warrior, Hypnotised Saxon. - build is a ruined museum with a camp build into it with tents and bed etc. Pendulum tower £89.99 - Hyp-gnome (good)x3, Hyp-gnome (evil) x2, Leo (unarmoured), Beo (unarmoured), Saturnis (casual clothes) - build is a tall toadstool-esque tower with a large hanging pendulum and open back with interior rooms Raid on the Roman arena £139.99 - Roman soldiers x2, Gladiator x2, roman citizens x2, Roman senator, Hyp-Gnome, Hypnotised Redcoat, Hypnotised Samurai, Hypnotised Spaceman, Beo, Neo - the build is a roman coliseum under attack by a wild west style train that has been modified with spaceship parts to make it fly and equipped with weapons from several eras. edit: Accidently corrupted my renders so this took a little longer than it should have.... has going to post this about 8 hours ago.... (not that it took eight hours to render but I had other priorities)
  2. Upon the inevitability of an uninhabitable Earth, many years ago Mission: Lazarus was given the green light. Lazarus were a series of missions which were sent to planets similar to the Earth to set a base and examine the conditions for future humans to inhabit. The heroic humans were given the name of “lazarites”, to mark their titanic effort to save humanity. In this first wave, we see the adventures of mission Lazarus 1. Lazarus 1 was a mission to the distant desert moon of Ashtar. Whilst not a paradise, Ashtar showed much promise as it seemed to have structures built by intelligent species…. The two sets I've designed for the contest are... __________ The Gates of Ashtar City 845 pieces $89.99 / 64.99€ What had seemed like abandoned ruins from observations before the launch of Lazarus 1, turned out to be an almost-intact walled city. With one eerie twist: it was completely empty, as if it had been abandoned recently and hastily. Not long after inhabiting the city, the lazarites hear a distant noise. Someone seems to want Ashtar back… This model pictures the stunning ancient entrance of Ashtar City and the walls built by lazarites to defend in case of invasion. The moon of Ashtar is packed with purple gemstones. These are highly explosive and are being used as ammunition by the lazarites. The moment here represented is key to the history of Ashtar, as it marks the first encounter with the native Naggyy and their trusty cyborgs. Minifigures: 2x Lazarite Astronauts · 1x Dr. Antonoff · 1x Naggyy Official (with Ashtar horse) · 1x Cyborg As for the build itself, it is heavily inspired by the Ishtar Gate of Babylon, currently preserved in Berlin. In fact, "Ashtar" is another name that goddess "Ishtar" received. The proportions are exaggerated to achieve more vertical presence and the details are tweaked here and there to make a better Lego model. The side walls employ a neat triangular footprint that gives some extra dyamism to the build. _________ Dr. Antonoff’s Secret 65 pieces + 3 minifigures (+1 horse) $12.99 12.99€ When Dr. Antonoff, head of mission, goes missing, the legitimacy of the mission is put in question. In fact, Ashtar was not the most promising of planets out of the ones in contention, but Dr. Antonoff’s persuasion convinced officials that it was the right call to send the first Lazarus mission there. Analysis of the planet led Dr. Antonoff to believe that there was a strong source of energy found on this planet. He was surprised to discover that the source of energy was hidden within the purple crystals.The crystals are highly volatile, but under controlled processes, Dr. Antonoff deemed them a possible infinite source of power. The native Naggyy realised that their new inhabitants were tinkering with the mythical crystals and decided to intervene. To avoid certain death and the failure of the mission, Dr. Antonoff showed them how to solidify the liquid gold that runs under Ashtar. Gold is the thing that the Naggyy lose their minds for. They spend their days bathing in liquid golden rivers and waterfalls. Antonoff to them was a magician. Antonoff is taken hostage every so often to make more of the solid gold. This way, Antonoff can buy time to examine the crystals in further detail. In the set, Dr. Antonoff shows a Naggyy official the location of the solid gold, under the wrecks of one of the ships that the lazarites used to reach Ashtar. Minifigures: 1x Dr. Antonoff · 1x Naggyy Official (with Ashtar horse) · 1x Cyborg This being such a small set, I had to get creative for a little hideout for the solid gold. I decided upon using the wreck of a spaceship and convert it into a hidden spot. One of the unique parts of the theme is that whilst the story of Lazarus 1 is in the moon of Ashtar, Wave 2 could center, for example, on the adventures of Lazarus 2 on a rainforest planet, Lazarus 3 on a swampy planet, Lazarus 4 on an icy planet and so on. Each time with new heroes, villains and strange alien species to explore!
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