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The Child - Steve's childhood [HUN] Legújabb MOC-om egy másik kihívásra készült eredetileg. Ott nagyon kötött volt az darabszám, így annyira nem volt kidolgozva a MOC, mint ebben az esetben. Persze kompromisszum itt is kellett, hogy beleférjen a 200 darabos limitbe, de úgy gondolom, így is kellően kidolgozott tudott maradni ez az új MOC. Sztoriban csak annyira akartam beilleszteni a mostani kihívásba, hogy "Ő itt Steve gyerekként". Szerintem ennél többet nem is kell elmondani róla, hiszen minden más látszik. [ENG] My latest MOC was originally created for another challenge. There the number of pieces was very limited, so the MOC was not as elaborate as in this case. Of course, I had to compromise to fit the 200 piece limit, but I think I was able to keep this new MOC elaborate enough. In Story, I just wanted to include it in the current challenge as "This is Steve as a kid". I don't think more needs to be said about him than that, as everything else is apparent.
Steve's Hideout (UPDATE) [ENG] This set was originally a redesigned version of the 1795 Imperial Cannon. Then I saw this Classic Pirates challenge and thought I'd enter with the peace of mind of the underdog. I slightly modified the set to fit the callout. I hope you guys like it and vote for it. There is, of course, a golden rod hidden on this island. Story: Steve has been a merchant ship captain for many many years. He has always been reliable and has been the most punctual transporter despite the weather obstacles. He knew the sea perfectly. He survived huge storms, avoided many battles. But today, a new and brutal enemy had struck, and so she could not escape her doom. On one occasion he was on a detour route to port when his ship was shrouded in fog. Knowing the sea, he sailed on and only belatedly realised that this fog was in fact the remnants of a gigantic battle. The multitude of shipwrecks indicated that this was a gigantic battle. The silhouette of a ship was silhouetted in the fog, but before he could identify it, the ship had opened fire. His swift ship tried to dodge, but he had no chance. The incoming cannonballs tore the small ship apart mercilessly. Another volley of shells brought in the fatal shot and the ship was swamped. The only survivor was the captain. For days he was tossed about at sea among the remains of the battle. He pulled himself up on a large piece of wood and left his life in the drift. His great good fortune was to be cast towards a small island. He knew the place. It used to be a small outpost for imperial soldiers. It had been abandoned for a long time, and its condition showed. But his luck had not deserted the captain here, for the remains of the battle were drifting nearby, and he was able to get some rum, food, and weapons. He even found the flag of his ship, which he pinned to the remains of the building to mark this as his territory. Maybe one day a ship will come by and rescue him so he can sail the seas again as he once did. [HUN] Ez a készlet eredetileg a 1795-ös Imperial Cannon újragondolt változata. Aztán láttam ezt a Classic Pirates kihívást, és gondoltam az esélytelenek nyugalmával benevezek. Kicsit átalakítottam a szettet, hogy megfeleljen a kiírásnak. Remélem tetszik majd nektek és szavaztok rá. Természetesen egy aranyrudat azért ez a sziget is rejt. Sztori: Steve egy kereskedő hajó kapitánya volt már sok sok éve. Mindig megbízható volt és az időjárási viszonyok okozta akadályok ellenére is a legpontosabb szállító volt. Tökéletesen ismerte a tengert. Túlélt hatalmas viharokat, elkerült rengeteg csatát. De manapság új és brutális ellenség ütötte fel a fejét és így Ő sem kerülhette el a végzetét. Egyik alkalommal is egy elkerülő útvonalon haladt a kikötő felé, amikor hajója ködbe burkolózott. Mivel ismerte a tengert tovább hajózott és csak késve vette észre, hogy ez a köd valójában egy gigantikus csata maradványa. A hajóroncsok sokasága jelezte, ez egy gigantikus csata volt. Egy hajó sziluettje rajzolódott ki a ködben, de mire azonosítani tudta volna, a hajó már tüzet is nyitott rá. Fürge hajójával megpróbált kitérni ugyan, de esélye sem volt. A becsapódó ágyúgolyók könyörtelenül megtépázták a kis hajót. Egy újabb sortűz pedig bevitte a végzetes lövést és a hajót ellepték a hullámok. Az egyetlen túlélő a kapitány volt. Napokig hánykolódott a tengeren a csata maradványai között. Egy nagyobb fadarabon húzta meg magát és rábízta életét a sodrásra. Hatalmas szerencséjére egy kis sziget felé vetődött. Ismerte ezt a helyet. Régebben a birodalmi katonák egy kis őrhelye volt. Régóta elhagyatott volt már, ez határozottan látszott az állapotán. De a szerencséje itt sem hagyta el a kapitányt, mert a csata maradványai is a közelben sodródtak, így tudott némi rumot, ételt, és fegyvereket szerezni. Még a hajója zászlaját is megtalálta, melyet ki is tűzött az épület maradványaira, hogy jelezze ez már az Ő területe. Talán egyszer majd jár erre egy hajó és megmenti, hogy újra járhassa a tengereket ahogy régen. Yes, I know Steve's outfit has changed, but I have other plans for this version, which is why I was forced to do this. But that doesn't stop him from being Steve!
[TC27] Lowrider
Zerobricks posted a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling
Here's my entry for the TC27 - the physical model is also completed and tested, but I'm stil waiting for the 2x C frames (3167) to arrive (for testing purpose I just 3D printed my own pieces ). Anyway, I wanted to build something unique and different this time around. I've been thinking of building a motorized lowrider for a while now and this challenge was the perfect excuse to realize it. With this model I wanted to realize the following functions: Motorized suspension Steering mechanism connected to the steering wheel Working fake engine driven by rear wheels Openable (suicide) doors, hood and boot Proper, clean and spacious interior Along with those functions I also managed to squeeze one more additional function, which makes the car a convertable. Here's the end (digital) result: So as you can see, it actually uses the correct tires and rims which I think is a good start! Here's how it looks like all opened up - notice the inline 4 fake engine: Here's a look from the rear, showcasing the large rear typical of lowriders, which is also used to house the two BuWizz 2.0 bricks. I took great care to give the model some fins, proper brick-built lights, bumper, exhausts, etc... Looking at the underside you can see that the L motors are also structural, both axles are designed around them: And here's how the Driveline, Steering and Suspension system are integrated into the model: As mentioned before this is also a convertible which means that the roof can be unfolded and raised: Now for a little of backstory. Originally I tried using PU L motors to make this model a bit more intelligent and capable of holding the wheel suspension positions automacally. Unfortunately PU motors have a very sensitive current protection and were simply not capable of holding the weight of the car even though I'm using shock absorbers to help carry weight. Worth mentioning is also that suspension arms are shorter in the rear to compensate for extra weight. I could have added extra gearing, but that would make the model even bigger and suspension slower. So I took some L motors I had laying around from the Go-Kart project and used them in place of PU ones. Thanks to their shorter size I even gained some additional space and reduced complexity. During testing I decided to double up the BuWizz bricks. I did that for two reasons, first to increase the weight in the back for higher front bounces and secondly to supply the needed power to actuate 4L motor at maximum speed at the same time (each motor draws some 2 Amps when stalled in Ludicrous mode). I hope that's enough details and media for now, I will post photos of the real deal once I get the missing parts and I will of course record a proper video.- 20 replies
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The day had started off as any other. The water was calm and the sky clear. Once out to their fishing grounds Leif called out to Isdir to drop the anchor and grab the nets. As the day dragged on storm clouds began to brew to the south. Luck, hopefully would be on their side and the storm would head towards the mainland. However only a few hours later, they were battling with the storm. Their small vessel being thrown around like a child's toy. Waves toward and crashed above them as they struggled to stay alive, almost as if they were caught in between a battle of gods. After a long rough night the water finally began to flatten, and they found themselves no longer being able to see the coast. Praying the gods were on their side now, Leif set sail for wherever fate would take him. He had heard the tales of the origins of the Elves. But that was all they had ever been. Tales. However that all changed when a towering arch rose from the horizon, A magnificent structure large enough to fit their boat through. A prancing horse with a rider top the somehow remain atop of the crumbling arch. behind it more structures rose from the seas depths, weathered but years of of harsh winds and high waves but still astounding in size and beauty. He heard Isdir mumble about the lost cities of the Elves, and I did not doubt him. Finally Leif gathered his wits and yelled to Isdir, we will camp on the rooftop over their, and then we shall sail south, just as the Elves claimed to have done. If they had truly found the Elves homeland, then who else knew what lay beyond? (bonus shot) Entry to Category B: A safe Haven. You can probably see I am no writer but I did not want this build to go with out a proper story. I built this back in October, and kept it to see if it would fit into the CCC. It didn't so I have just got round to post it on here now. I have lots of other builds ready to post on the guilds as well so watch out for them. The arch was difficult to make at first, but came together quick enough. the boat was also quite a challenge as it is my first. Hopefully you guys think it came out ok. The base was inspired by Jaapxaap and Legofin and I think it worked well here. Hope you enjoy and C&C needed
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My entry into Category A of the "A Safe Haven" challenge. Allanar Forest on the isle of Alnya is where many of the dwelfs have chosen to live. This is likely due to their love of nature, and the many animals who also make their home there. The dwelfs spend much of their time caring for animals, or training them; even such creatures as dragons are welcomed in their community. Many live in unpretentious cottages, but don’t be mistaken – they are excellent craftsmen, and their homes are held in high regard by even the most skilled architects. "Now don't be scaring my chickens when you feed them, boy!" "Don't worry, Garrek, I can handle throwing out some chicken feed." Rhalyf had been given some time off at the stables during a quiet spell, and Garrek was quick to put him to work feeding the flock of chickens he keeps in addition to his prized goats. Faelar has a simple task today: fixing a section of fence alongside the path. Some lovely mushrooms caught Nym's eye earlier in the week, and today he returned to harvest the ripe ones and dig up one to plant in his own garden. Alenia is working with Frandri in the forest today, and has brought along a treat to reward the young dragon with. Torrel keeps several hives in different places throughout the forest, and as usual is busy checking up on some of them now. Lots more pictures on Brickbuilt. Thanks for looking, comments and criticism welcome
The People of Alnya The Land of Alnya The expansive Isle of Alnya offers a variety of climates ranging from the friendly, lush forests of the native Dwelfs, to the foggy wetlands, and soaring cliffs along the coast where the Adventurers’ Guild is based. The two groups are generally on good terms with the other and usually stay in their respective areas of the isle. The large Adventurers’ guild offers an incredible range of services to the surrounding islands, and even distant lands when clients offer substantial rewards. Besides standard jobs like monster hunting, traveler protection, and mercenary work, the Guild also offers highly skilled herbalists, beast masters, and cartographers. Many come to the Guild looking to gain an apprenticeship and work their way up into the rank of full Adventurer, but this is no easy task and many fail in the attempt. Although, not all those who live near the Guild are constantly seeking blood-chilling adventure, as there is a small community of farmers and various craftsmen who keep the guild well stocked with food and other supplies. One of the biggest crops in the wetlands is rice, but the plentiful fish along the coast make their fisheries quite a lucrative market as well. Dwelfs on the other hand, are usually quite content to stay in their villages, living a simple (yet sometimes mischievous) life. Their favorite pastimes include raising their goats, chickens, dragons, bees and occasionally sheep, finding new uses for herbs, crafting beautiful cottages, and of course eating. Every once in a while they will dabble in the art of mining, but it is not one of their preferred industries. Those who do mine deep often return with peculiar tales of stout, reclusive creatures dwelling under the earth, but no one has been able to confirm these reports, leaving the strange tales shrouded in mystery. Despite these two groups making the Isle their home however, much of it is largely unexplored. There are numerous legends about the uncharted lands, many of which involve great beasts and sometimes even the mention of mysterious people who tower above all they come across. Little interest is expressed in these tales from the Dwelfs, who are quite content to stay in their peaceful villages. The Adventurers’ Guild on the other hand, is eager to scout out the lands, and would probably have done so quite thoroughly already, if there were not kept engaged in their numerous other occupations. As such, the island is not always a safe place: the formidable creatures sometimes venture from their homes in the coastal caves and deep forests of the island, and the strength of such beasts is not easily defeated. 1. Torrel the Beekeeper No one in all of Alnya is as adept at the art of beekeeping as Torrel is. He tends meticulously to his hives, and his honey is held in the highest regard by all the isle. A few have tried unsuccessfully to steal some of his bees, to try and match the quality of his honey and gain a small fortune, but none have succeeded. No one knows exactly what happens to those who try this, but whatever it is, it keeps them from trying twice. 2. Rydel the Hunter Rydel is a light-hearted hunter, who often will poke fun at his apprentices, (or anyone for that matter). However, although he has a healthy sense of humor, he is one of the finest shots in all of the Dwelf forests, and can track almost any animal. 3. Garrek the Goatsman At first sight, Garrek would seem a bit gruff to most people. Although he isn't a jokester like Rydel, the two are very close friends, and will often help each other with various tasks when they can. As Rydel will attest to, Garrek really has a soft heart, especially when it comes to his beloved goats. He has been a goatsman all of his life, and has extensive knowledge about what plants his animals thrive on, and what should be avoided at all costs. 4. Alenia the Dragon Master Alenia is one of the head Dragon Masters among Dwelfs, even though she is relatively young in experience compared to some of the others. An accident early in her dragon taming career left her with only one eye, but she doesn't let it get in her way of achieving her dreams. She loves working with the Nayvnai dragons, and has one she keeps as personal pet, named Frandri, besides the ones she trains for others. 5. Nym the Gardner Nym loves gardens, wild flowers, herbs, trees... anything that grows. He's always ready to explain to you how this plant likes sun with just a little bit of water, while this purple one over here grows best in the shade and with lots of water. Although he takes gardening seriously, that doesn't keep him from enjoying life, and he will often be humming a tune while weeding, or reply with a witty remark when the neighbors pick on his near addiction to gardening. 6. Nyna the Innkeeper "Fresh bread and milk for table 2!" Nyna always has a smile on her face, and is usually bustling around her inn cooking for the next meal, cleaning rooms, tending to customers, or doing whatever else needs to be done. While not the fanciest Inn on Alnya, it's well-known that The Green Goblet (her inn) is near spotless, and the excellent cooking and cheerful service bring a smile to the face of any customer. 7. Tanelia the Minstrel Tanelia is one of Nyna's closest friends, and will often drop in The Green Goblet for a few days, drawing many of the locals to hear the minstrel. There are few songs she doesn't know, and her skillful rendering of them impresses even the royal families. While the royal families have to tried to hire her as a personal minstrel, she prefers to wander Alnya freely, bringing music wherever she goes. 8. Rhalyf the Stable Boy "Rhalyf! Get those stalls mucked, we have more horses to lodge!" Fortunately Rhalyf's amiable disposition is not easily discouraged. Generally he is a very hard worker at the stables, though sometimes his mind does wander to more noble occupations: his dream is to become an Adventurer, Dragon Tamer, Knight, or whatever else enters his mind, really. 9. Goren the Miner Unlike many Dwelfs, Goren is extremely serious - to the point that he has many theories of Goblin invasions (not that he knows what a Goblin is), fire coming from the sky and destroying all of Alnya, and similar such things. However, his work underground provides plenty of metals and gems for which the Dwelfen craftsmen happily put up with his pessimistic attitude. 10. Faelar the Carpenter Wood is the most oft used building material of the dwelfs, and Faelar is a master of carpentry. His workshop is always kept busy making cabinets, furniture, or even shaping larger timbers for houses and barns. Faelar himself is a rather quiet Dwelf, but is never happier than when working on a new project. 11. Jastar the Fisherman It takes a great deal of food to keep the Adventurers' Guild fed, which keeps plenty of farmers and fishermen like Jastar prospering. His fishing boat was built by Faelar, and Jastar is quite proud of its maneuverable qualities. Few fishermen are as successful as Jastar, as his knowledge of the coast allows him to make large catches of fish consistently. 12. Reinhold the Adventurer Reinhold is one of the original members of the Adventurers' Guild, and has vast amounts of experience in many different areas. An expert huntsman and swordsman, he is one of the most respected fighters in the guild, but he is also quite astute and rarely loses his temper. Although it's rare for him to go on expeditions anymore, when Reinhold does leave his administrative position at guild headquarters on an especially challenging expedition, he is usually in charge of a party of Adventurers. 13. Tanja the Falconer While women are not as common as men in the Adventurers' guild, anyone proving their competence can become respected in the guild. Tanja has done just that, and her skills as a falconer are rivaled by very few. Her personal falcon, Bolt, is fierce and agile and can be a deadly force in battle, or as a scout. Tanja and Bolt have an incredible understanding of each other, and have developed their own way of communicating with each other. 14. Jorn the huntsman Jorn the Huntsman has been at the Adventurers' guild for a number of years now, and specializes in hunting dangerous predators. Always serious when on the job, Jorn surprises many with his sense of humor when he isn't on the hunt. Although he isn't one of the younger members of the guild, he can cover ground quickly when needed, and is extraordinarily stealthy. 15. Gurukk the Warrior "Gurukk did not mean to hit so hard." Orcs, like any other race, can enroll in the Adventurers' Guild. Gurukk is surprisingly tender-hearted, though also armed with brute strength and a love for a good fight. Thus practice bouts in the arena sometimes can get a little out of hand. He is still working his way up to attain the full Adventurer rank, but is not someone you want to cross swords with. 16. Okano the Rice Farmer The wetlands along the coast of Alnya where the Adventurers' Guild is located are ideal for growing rice, and as such, it is one of the staple foods of the guild. Okano runs a good sized rice farm, though he once was an apprentice Adventurer before realizing his love for agriculture. Now he is an experienced farmer, and has plenty of tips and techniques to share with anyone looking to improve their own rice fields. 17. Turgan the Guardian Turgan the Guardian is an Adventurer always willing to safeguard caravans, convoys, or even specific people. Fiercely protective, trying to harm any of his charges will likely be the last mistake you make. Any of his friends would gladly recommend his services, as they know his loyalty is unbreakable. 18. Thorsen the Cartographer With all the islands and unexplored lands around Alnya, the services of a cartographer are highly prized. Thorsen is a veteran of the trade, and his maps are worth quite a hefty stack of gold coins. Unlike some map-makers, he is also adept at surviving in the wilds which make his services even more valuable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More pictures on Brickbuilt. Whew, it's been too long since I posted something in the guilds! I have some builds already up on other places that I plan on posting here, I just haven't had time to do so recently. I had a lot of fun with these guys, and with developing the Isle of Alnya, though unfortunately I was only able to complete one actual build for it, which I'll be posting here soon. As always, C&C is very welcome
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Rene, Emile's quartermaster, had been sent a letter from his captain hwo was out at sea with Oleon in Terraversa. The loss of The Elise was a devestating blow to morale for the crew, especially since Emile wasn't with them when the ship was lost. Since then, they all had been waiting on orders. Finally, they arrived. Emile had heard of something going on in Jameston, the Corrington settlement, and he wanted Rene, Gilbert the boatswain, and Henri the rigger to go to the Oleon Consulate in the city and get supplies to search for some orchid. The other three main crew members were told to wait for further orders. The consulate was imposing. Glass doors opened up to balconies on the first floor, and two guards always stood at attention. After being allowed in, Henri went straight for the butler, hoping to find some form of alcohol there. And yes, Emile's rum was there. Gilbert found an old acquaintance who had been stationed at the consulate, and they chatted about the old times, back before they had gone their separate ways. Rene found the Consul and showed the letter he had received from Emile. "Ah yes," the consul said as he looked at the parchment. "Jameston has been in a bustle recently due to this. Who's going to go on this expedition?" "Myself, Gilbert, and the boy Henri," Rene replied. "If you could spare any other men, we'll gladly take them." "Unfortunately I can't send any men with you," the consul admitted. "But, I can give you a healthy amount of supplies. You'll need them when you head out. You'll find some interesting things out there. Just don't start a war, alright?" "I'll do my best," Rene said. Up above, they began to gather supplies: shot, weapons, tents. It's dangerous out there for a citizen of Oleon in this place.
Dear architecture and LEGO enthusiasts, I would like to propose you a LEGO Architecture challenge. Every week I will come up with a brief assignment, that connects LEGO and architecture and if you want, you can react to it and post photos of your creations. I hope you will have fun building experience. 1. Challenge Do the model of building in 3 different scales, start with a very small scale, just a few bricks. Then do the same building in larger scale with more details. And finally, the biggest model, with even more details. Example:
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by Dathil, on Flickr LEADERS AND PROMINENT PEOPLE OF VETA, VOL. I THE TRADE IMPERIUM OF PHENIAS Phenias is built upon the islands in the Inner Sea. The main islands, Phenias, is home to the Volca, a large fortress built in a vulcano. The city expanded bigger than the island could sustain, and thus they started to build upon the water. The Pheniasi are the wealthiest faction around and dominate the free market throughout most of the continent. Their Quaestors, the tax officers, travel from market to market to collect their comissions. In return, the magistrate offers complete naval protection to everyone in the treaty. There are those, however, who suspect they might also be the ones "creating the needs of protection" theirselves, by investing their money wisely. Jovani Meci is the current magistrate of Phenias. Under his rule, the Pheniasi trade imperium has expanded vastly and has become real powerfull. He was born for this position, being a member of the wealthy Meci family, and having great economic insights. He proudly carries the Sextant Staff, a reminder of the seafaring origens of their family. However, there are those who say he has started questionable business inside the Volca,yet these sources have brought none evidence at all, and thus are these rumours not regarded as important by the Oraca. The diligent Quaestors of Phenias are often an unwelcome sight for the lords of the towns they visit. They wear the purple robes and stereotypical hat of Phenias, and have a status of immunity throughout every civilized country. They carry their sword mostly because of their noble ancestry. THE KINGDOM OF FRIKK The lands of Fríkk are inhibited by a tall and fair people, with probably some Elven blood in their pedigree. They have grown resilient against the colds and live in this lands, organizing raids, praying to their cruel gods called the Trissa, and hunting on the many kinds of prey that adapted to the cold climate. Gustolph Rekks is the current king of Frikk. In whole Veta, he is known as 'the Lion of the North', because of his sigil, the Lion. Under his reign, the country prospers. As much as the people respect his prowess in battle, they respect his wisdom. The king has some deep interests for arts and music as well, which is quite uncommon for the people in Frikk. Karl is the son of Gustolph and thus the heir to Frikk. While he is just 15 years old, he is known to be quite impatient when it comes to waiting to succeed his father. Even though he is that young, he has lead many military expeditions to success already. Karl is very religious and believes he was born to rule. THE WESTERLANDS The main power in Veta is the Imperium, currently ruled by empress Nemayra. the Imperium, Ihlrion, is divided in multiple regions, each of them gouverned by a noble family. The house of Glainthes is such a family. They control the Westerlands, on the border with the icy lands of Fríkk. Josua Glainthes is the leader of house Glainthes. After the death of his wife, he picked up his old drinking habit. Many fear that this could lead to unwanted situations, as he tends to become aggressive because of all the cider. Rachel is the oldest daughter of Josua Glainthes. Though almost as fair as her younger sister, she is not the fighter Becca is. She is a diplomat, and has read every book in her father's library. Some say she is not too happy with her younger brother standing higher in the line of succession. Becca Glainthes, the Succubus, is the second daughter of Josua Glainthes. Many call her the most beautiful woman in the country, and she is still single. However, she will only wed a man who defeats her in single combat, and many contenders have found out she is the deadliest woman in the country as well. Jona is the third child and eldest son of Josua Glainthes, and thus the heir of the house. He is a famous duelist, and his riding ability is matched by very few. Armed with his trumpet and his bow, there are little surprises that can reach the people under his protection. Robb is the most renowned cider farmer in the country. His farm, called Bunnock's Barn, stands under the protection of house Glainthes. KRYTTAN On the swampy peninsula in the north-east, the Krytt live. The Krytt look most like a cross between humans and goblins, but they are highly civilized and are no less than their human neighbours. Which does, of course, not take away that no one should try to meet them in battle... Rytan is a major Kryttan warchief. Because of him talking more with his maul than with his mouth, he has brought the Kryttan diplomacy to some dangerous levels. THE TRISSA The Trissa is the pantheon of gods worshipped by the people of Frikk. Their shrines can be found in every country throughout the continent however The most prayed-to god of the Trissa. Most prayers are meant for the enemies of the persons praying, asking for the blade of his halbard to aid their conflict. 'getting the Halberd' is a common phrase, used as euphanism of dieing. The goddess of protection has statues in many walled towns and settlements, and in every guardhouse there is a shrine to her. When praying to her, they belief nothing can happen to them. The Inquisitor is maybe even more feared than Death himself. He is believed to haunt the unfaithful and torture them while they keep living, a fate worse than getting the Halberd. MISCELLANEOUS Underneath the lands of Fríkk are the Fields of Despair. This once was the home of a mighty Elvish civilization. However, as not uncommon by elves, Hybris was their downfall as one of their ancient kings, dubbed "the purifier" intended to rid the continent of anything not-Elvish. This was the start of a series of wars, which ultimately led to a near-complete destruction of the Elves in Veta. There are still some remaining settlements, of which the inhabitants are called "Scavengers". Athon Darkeye is the leader of an Elven Scavenger tribe. His name is respected throughout the complete Fields of Despair. Garonn is a Free Sword, traversing the whole continent. 'The Eagle' is the origin for stories in many an inn. Orna is the kindest woman one will ever meet, but for sure also one of the strongest. Defying old traditions, she has become the very first female smith, yet she is one of the best in her profession. ABOUT THE AUTHOR This has been written and was signed by Horth the Half-elf, of the Tanes, Oraca in the higher arts. This manuscripts have been approved by the head of the Tanes. comments on references:
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Count Mesabi by North White, on Flickr Official Press Release from the Wayfarer Trading Company: Private investigators, police officers, adventurers and bounty hunters of the Brick Seas! The WTC calls for justice! The mystery of the heinuos sabotage of the Wolf's Blood in Nova Malto must be unravelled and the perpetrator face his punishment. Therefore, the WTC offers a sizable bounty for the one to discover the truth. Please find enclosed the case file with the current evidence and report to the nearest WTC representative with any developments in the case. Sincerely Count Mesabi Chairman of the WTC Case file: Alright folks, it's time for a minichallenge! The Wolf's Blood was blown up in the middle of the Malto conflict, and I think it's time for people to show off their investigative and creative skills. What really happened? Here are the rules. Fill in the holes in the story and show us what might have happened! Your build must expand on the story so far. Is there a larger conspiracy in play? Has Oleon's suspect escaped? Was another ship destroyed? The story is in your hands! 16x16 minimum base LDD builds are not eligible for prizes The challenge will be decided by a voting thread when the challenge is completed. Voting criteria: Creativity in investigation and in filling in the holes in the story I will not vote in the challenge, except to break ties, or if something "fishy" happens You must be a member of BoBS to vote or participate in this challenge Prizes: 1st Place: WTC will build and license a large property in the settlement of your choosing And, you decide what really happened. Was it an Eslandolan plot? Native interference? Mardierian reprisal? Captain Mesabi? You decide! 2nd Place: WTC will build and license a medium property in the settlement of your choosing (Notice: As I will be leaving for college in September, I cannot promise the prizes to be completed quickly. I will try to have them ready by 2018.) Entries due by October 1st Voting thread will open the next day, and all votes are due by October 7th Post your questions in the thread below, or feel free to PM me
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Greetings. I want to introduce you to my vision of the truck of the future, Year 2045, Mercedes Benz Anataros, Blue Energy. ( for ReBrick challenge) It’s all about The Concept of fully electrical vehicle, which uses only a Electrical motor. Truck also fills with energy by using brakes, The solar panels on the roof and by the pressure plates in the shock absorbers. In the under part of the mask behind the iron bars there is a turbine, which uses air to function which is really strong at 75 M/ph. The maximum speed for trucks would raise to 75 M/Ph. Because the trucks would be more safe. The shape of the cabin would be the same with the difference of it being remodeled for aerodynamic. You can see this because the front part of the cabin is no longer flat but it’s bent in the sides. The classic lights are no longer on the roof but are instead spread around the front of the mask. The interior is also remodeled one of the big differences is that the Steering wheels is no longer on the left but it’s now on the middle and there is only enough space for one driver. And also the cabin is no longer just a cabin it’s almost a real home it’s filled with a shower and a toilet and on the other side with a refrigerator and an oven. The bed is also changed since it’s positioned differently. The truck is in a 1:16 benchmark. The benchmarks are from Mb Actros, the last model. Xl drive motor is for drive, servo for steering. Full suspension, drives are made for maximum power. Outside: -Aerodynamic cabin. -Lights spread in front of the entire mask. (1 pcs pf light) -Solar panels on the top of the cabin. -Behind the cabin on one side it’s a battery and the other side it’s a water tank. -The motor is on the bottom of the cabin. The cabin can be raised. Interior: -Space for only 1 person -The truck does not have meters he has to write them on the glass (screen) -The truck has an autopilot function. -The chair can be moved to the left so he can pull out the bed. Video: High quality pictures:
I decided to also try the Mercedes 2045 challenge, and here's what I made so far in LDD. Its a very compact drive indepent suspension with pushrod suspension...the truck will be 4WD More info and updates soon...
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As some of you may know LEGO is running a Technic Building Competition with Mercedes-Benz. I was looking forward to participate and it took me a while to understand what future truck would look like. Initial idea of building truck driven by both front and back axles was quite simple to implement. Two L-motors have been used for that. Steering is performed by Servo motor and truck is controlled remotely. Fun fact - chassis without aerodynamic cover is somewhat reversible and can be used up side down. Final model is very sturdy thanks to slick and strong body. Unfortunately, due to selected width rear axle is somewhat less reliable and has gear grinding upon start but drives normally afterwards. This is something wasn't possible to completely solve having double wheels per each side. [/url] Below you can check my vision of a truck in year 2045: Few more pictures can be found on my Flickr Stats: 2 L-motors for propulsion Servo motor for steering Small non-rechargeable battery box 44 studs long 17 studs wide 24 studs tall weights 1098g. no suspension
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- mercedes-benz
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[SR - Ch3 - Cat B] Dark Shores and Darker Seas...
kaiju posted a topic in Brethren of the Brick Seas
And this is what happens when you have only a few hours before the deadline, and only one partially complete build, but are determined to enter something into this category... Once back in a tavern in Bastion Captain Dracken gathered his officers in a private room with plenty of grog. Several rounds of drinks later First Mate Jakes had to ask once more question about the Fountain. "So what happened to the other guy?" he asked, "this father... Tholeua?" Before Dracken could offer his thoughts Iosefka interrupted. "They say dead men tell no tales," she began, "but truely the living need listen more attentively. For Tholeau's fate is no great enigma to those inclined to hear..." The Last Island... Truely, Tholeau had drunk of the Fountain and been restored. But youth has its own curses, recklessness prime amongst many. He went on to the next island heedless of the cost he had incurred, for his selfish use of the Fountain had angered the local spirits and roused the ghosts of all who had gone before him. On the third and final of those islands he found another cave. Of course he had to know what treasure lay on this island. But he found no treasure. Only bones, and hatred for the life he had claimed for himself. And try as he want his legs availed him not. And deep in the caves of that isle he still lays. Water he sought. Water he did find. One Last Answer "So, Althea asked, "if Tholeau died on that island how did his journal get out?" "The dead," Iosefka answered, "do not all rest easy on dark nights and wyrd tides. And Tholeau, he seek immortality above all else. Death not keep his tale untold, and so he become myth. Myth not die so quietly or quickly." "What you're saying," Jakes said, "is that his ghost carried his journal off that island." "It would not be the strangest thing we have seen." Dracken said. A very last minute category B entry, because I just haven't the energy for a second elaborate build. Some "clean" shots of the cavern and it's contents are behind the spoiler button.- 12 replies
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The 2022 Summer Joust starts today! The Joust is a large scale castle building contest that has been an annual event since 2016. Builders of all skill levels are welcome! This year it's back with loads of new categories, a huge prize pool, and unlimited castle building fun! See the full details in the dedicated flickr group:
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Hello, fellow Eurobrickers! I designed this 6x6 truck today as I challenge and I didn't think much about it but It turned out to be a success (in my eyes). I hope you guys like it. The design was inspired by a mix of old offroad 6x6 military trucks. I say it just needs to do the job and it doesn't need to look pretty while doing it. Here is a list of its features: 6x6 drivetrain springless suspension Modular design Remote control Powered by 2L motors Steering by 1M motor Removable tray (all sides can be dropped. Openable bonnet Openable doors 2 speed gearbox Hi-Low gear For more photos please go to our Bricksafe Page here Please go easy on the look it was built in one day, I would love some feedback. Happy Mocking CrazyKreations
Long story short, I have come up with a Virtual Table Top Dungeons and Dragons experience. These videos will encompass the FOLLOWING themes: Pirates, Castle, LOTR, D&D, and Harry Potter. For more details, watch this!! Visit the MikeyJProductions YouTube Channel
And there we have it... a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the first challenge! Voting will take place from the 8th to the 15th of April.(UTC -11:00) Voting is open to all Eurobrick members whose account has existed for prior to February 2024 Voters, please post your first and second choice for both categories as follows: The Submissions Click here for a pictorial version of this index. Category A Build an MOC to show what's happening in the New Haven Seas - no explanation of what caused the events is necessary (although, you may specify or speculate)... Just show us what is actually happening! Either sea or land-based builds are permitted, but they must take place within the New Haven Sea zones. 32x32 is the maximum size. Storm Chasers | COR | @Bricksbypidy Kraken Attack | COR | @Bricksbypidy Sailing to the New Haven Sea | SR | @NOD Something's Cooking! | SR | @Professor Thaum Finis Dierum | OL | @Keymonus Strange Weather | COR | @LM71Blackbird Sunken Ship | COR | @lmcpicture Something Smells Fishy | SR | @SevenDeadlyStreamers The Enchanted Forests of Avestia | COR | @Brickwolf Category B This is a story category - get us immersed in your characters, the strange occurrences in the New Haven sea, and make us excited to discover what happens next! In this category you must introduce us to your figs (either your main character, secondary characters, or completely new ones!) - you can achieve this however you like, from pictures of your minifigs on a plate, to a dedicated MOC or hero shots! - and 2+ builds telling your story! The Orders & The Questers & A New Adventure | SR | @Professor Thaum Ironhook the Third and Sharktooth Tower | @MightyThorngren The Conclusion | SR | @Fraunces Something about the butcher's cat | COR | @Bregir Killing the Competition | COR | @Brickwolf EDIT BY PROFESSOR THAUM : For me that stands to reason but I will clarify a point... -> as there is something more than only virtual in-game rewards for this challenge, any self voting will be cancelled. Thank you for voting! Missed this challenge but still want to participate? GREAT NEWS! There are two more challenges coming soon! For regular updates follow Brethren of the Bricks Seas on: Instagram Discord The blog
Click here to View the WINNERS! ------------------------------------ Click here to Vote ------------------------------------ Ahoy there! Deadline extended to April 7 With our resident pirates roll-building-game, Brethren of the Brick Seas(BoBS) transitioning from Era Two into Era Three, the lusty leadership at BoBS' Brethren Court has decided to post three challenges for any fan of Pirates to join in! The first challenge has been posted in the BoBS forum and can be joined here! Plus you can WIN some great prizes! by @Kai NRG There is no need to join BoBS to participate as we are in the waning days of Era II at the moment. That said, contestants should keep the following in mind; 1.)All submissions are to take place in the world of Brethren of the Brick Seas. This is a fictional world, purpetually locked in the glory days of the Age of Sail. There are no steam engines or high fantasy elements to this world. 2.)As this is a BoBS challenge, more consideration may be paid to submissions that demonstrate some understanding of the rich world of BoBS. by @Bregir It isn't a pirate's way to have assigned reading (and BoBS has a fair share that can be read)so just know that well thought out and executed MOCs with generic subjects will do very well too. Whalers hauling in a catch, naturalists examining a volcano, soldiers marching about, merchants closing a deal, pirates doing, you know, 'pirate stuff', etc. by @Khorne The first challenge's prizes are four custom BoBS themed minifigs from Rocky Mountain Minifigs, see below! One each to the first and second prize winners in each catagory. Brethren of the Brick Seas is a brick building and role playing game where a series of mocs are built by players to establish their character's stories and the fictional world of Halos in which they live. With four playable factions, players can make themselves honest sod-busters, avaricious merchants, imperialist soldiers and unscrupulous pirates, of course. The world of Halos itself is large with many climates to build in, from windswept highlands, tropical paradises, searing deserts, the high seas and anywhere in between! We welcome all builds, digital and brick. By @Justsomebrix More info on BoBS can be found in the Master Index. by @evancelt We do hope you all will consider joining us in Era III which will have a more stream-lined means of interacting with the world than Era II but for now, why not join in our three challenges!?! For more scenes of our previous adventures, please check out the Era Three Promotionals thread! It is still being populated at the moment. Thanks, ♧ ps; join the best faction. Oleon.
In this period of relative peace and stability, commerce in the guilds is flourishing! From massive cities to remote settlements, caravans and shipping routes bustle with goods from every guild. Build a trading post where your guild's unique wares can be bought and sold. It should be clear which guild your trading post is located in and there are no size restrictions. General Rules: - Anyone can enter this challenge, even brand new members. - Entries must be new models not previously displayed - Post your finished MOC(s) as a new topic in the GoH sub forum following this title format. GoH 11: (title of your MOC) - Deadline is January 7th 2024. New Deadline is end of day February 1st 2024. Countdown timer available here. - Winners will be decided by the GoH community (vote where only guild members can participate) 1st Place Prize: 2nd Place Prize: Bonus prize (decided by random draw, every participant is eligible, will be selected by random number generator): Feel free to ask any questions you have here
Anwok and Jynil awoke to their baby crying. Jynil nursed her child, then prepared him for their trip to the orchard. Anwok and Jynil thought that their child was the only new part of their morning trip. Jynil wrapped him securely and put him on her back. Then they went to pick apples. Then they saw … them. As they looked down upon the beach, they saw three people, but they wore strange clothes. Off in the distance was a large vessel, unlike anything Anwok and Jynil had seen before. They had heard the stories of strangers visiting the island -- everybody had -- but the stories were so old that nobody on the island still alive had ever seen any. But the strangers on the beach fit the stories well. The vessel was a large as in the stories. Their clothing was an odd mix; Anwok presumed the overdressed one in the middle was the leader. They did not appear threatening. Anwok told Jynil to go back and tell the elders about the visitors. Anwok would go down to the beach and present them with a gift of apples. … *** I wanted to play with forced perspective in this build, and also thought it would be fun to take the point of view of the natives rather than the explorers. The scene also serves as a step back from my build for challenge 1B, which is a close-up of the explorers on the beach. An overhead view of the build:
Captain’s Log of Philip Janszen, commanding the sloop Lady of Madrice, 15 Feb 616, somewhere east of Nellisa: After two weeks at sea, land was spotted. Hendrikson was on duty in the crow’s nest when, just before 8 bells, he sighted a shape on the horizon to the east-southeast. Adjusting our course to intercept, we soon determined that it was not a sail, but rather a small island. I conferred with Anthony Crol, my second in command, and we agreed that we must make landfall. We anchored our sloop and I ordered Crol to remain aboard while I commanded an away party of three to investigate the island. We did not know what to expect, and, although we saw no sign of inhabitants from our vantage point, we armed ourselves in case of hostiles. I also took a small pennant, and when we made landfall, I claimed the island for Eslandola and the MCTC. *** The beach didn't turn out how I had hoped, but I'm fairly happy with the technique I used for the surf. I also dabbled in some forced perspective with the anchored ship in the background. Here's an overhead view of the build:
CHALLENGE I CHALLENGE II NOTE: Your entries to each challenge should be linked to the individual challenge thread, not this thread! New Island Discovered! King Fernado VII had seen how quickly the MCTC had pounced on Nellisa in just the few years the Eslandolans had secured the island. He felt that the island itself may even be lost to the influence of the merchant company, so he put together a two action solution. He sent Renato Filamento to Nellisa to attempt to wrestle back control of the island. He also send out a new expedition of exploration, one that would rival Cato’s and Renato’s first voyages to New Terra. He chose Ivo Fortesque, one of Eslandola’s great sailors, to lead the expedition. Fortesque, a family man and respected captain, graciously accepted his king’s commission. He was given control of the Santa Clara, along with a few minor vessels, and left for New Terra. After refitting at Kings Port, and then again at Nova Terelli, he sailed East into the unknown. He sailed 15 days due Northeast, as that was the best way to tack into the winds, and he had no specific destination. On the last day Derelin Magini yelled down from the crow’s nest of the Santa Clara, “Land Ho!” Ivo paid the young man the reward he promised the first person that spots new land, 20 gold Doubloons. He then prepared to land his vessel. It took another day to find a suitable beach, but the long boats were brought out and Fortesque himself was on the lead boat. As they approached the beach, the Eslandolians gasped in surprise. There were people there! The curious natives came out to greet the Ivo and his men. These were the first New Terrans that any Old Worlder had ever seen beyond Terraversa. As the two groups approached one another, they were both cautious, but two things stuck in Ivo’s mind. First, he was going to be a very famous man. Second, these natives did not seem too surprised to see foreigners… [OCC: Thank you to KolonialBeamter for making these wonderful pictures. Also, I am away from my map making software, so the updated maps will be made later this week.] Challenge I Challenge II
Hi Our local online technic community LEGO Technic Russia took part in LEGO Technic Trial challenge this november (08/11/15) For me it was a nice possibility to test my DIY obstacles I did with my father during summer and autumn. I was inspired to build such obstacles seeing this brilliant track by OzBen and Doc_Brown (http://www.eurobrick...78&hl=challenge). The goal was to made it modular and transportable. I used wood, building foam, natural stones and other stuff that is easy to find and work with. At first it was hard to imagine all different ideas. In the end I even build river pass module - based on plastic container that was decorated with foam, stones and painted. Some obsatcles was covered randomly by grippy sealant for better wheel grip. I have only one problem - how to fit all the stuff at two narrow tables...but result was very good! Here is Desert752 As for trial challenge: we had about 15 offroaders. Some of them was based on well known MOCs (like Madoca's pickup) and some was own creations. Contestants was divided by 2 groups 1) Trophy. Mostly civil SUVs with at least one open front differential. Rear can be locked or free. Wheels 62 or 68 mm. 2) Unlimted. Tuned SUVs with wheels up to 83 mm. No differentials and wheel gear reductors possible. The idea was that trophy car had better mobility and steering,and Unlimited was able to crawl everywhere. But locked rear diff at first group makes them crawl good as Unlimited trucks. So track times was equal. We measured track time and added extra time for hitting flags or using help of hand/wrecker. Desert752's blue Toyota 6x6 Wrecker worked there as TOW service) In the end we saw that both classes was able to compete each other. First role played driving skills and driving accuracy. Glad to saw there AFOLs from different cities of Russia and even from Belarus. As for me, I have to drive with all that stuff in my car 1300 km one way. We had a nice time there. Thanks for LEGO Group for given prizes. In the end, All phots here I have a short long video of that meeting.
If you are unaware, in some European countries a Lego Bionicle magazine was released, each issue came with a free gift, unfortunately only 2 issues were ever released, so I have created this challenge to create some gifts to "continue" the magazine. All you need to do is submit an image of your design and a small description, it must have relevance to the Bionicle 2015-2016 story and be around the size of the official gifts below. The best design will be featured in a stop-motion movie releasing next year along with a small section of the credits devoted to the winner. For inspiration here are the 2 free gifts that were released: Thanks for reading and good luck! Entries must be in by 5th January 2017