Category B: Strike your Colors
Short version:
Furious sea battle south of Nelissa..
... victory for Eslandola!
Long version:
Captain Enrico Sombrero Verde gazed through his spyglass trying to penetrate the combination of morning mist and cannon smoke that lay between the battling two ships.
They had been surprised by the attacker initially, but the long and hard training of the crew had paid off and they had quickly been able to fire back.
The "Stubborn Stern" had sent several broadsides into the hull of the attacking ship and Enrico could tell that the enemy was not doing well anymore.
"Under which flag are they sailing", the first officer yelled.
"I think it is black", Enrico shouted back just before another broadside was fired.
"Then they must be pirates", the first officer mumbled to himself.
Captain Verde looked again. It was difficult to identify the enemy's flag as the sun had got up behind the other ship.
"It could be blue", he pondered, which would mean Oleon.
"It's a red flag", the first mate cried. "They are fighting for Corrington!"
Astonished, the captain raised the telescope once more, when suddenly a giant explosion tore the enemy ship apart - and the shock wave blew Enrico from his feet.
"We must have hit the powder magazine...", Enrico mused.
When he got up to his feet the remains of the other ship were already sinking fast.
So it was a victory - a clear victory for Eslandola.
But against whom?