Longtooth has a secret retreat. A hidden place where he builds and upgrades his speedor. It is deep in a maze of ruins and passageways, and only he knows the way in.
(LoC) Longtooth's retreat by SteampunkDoc, on Flickr
Racing and fighting is hard on speedorz, so this is the place where Longtooth keeps his ready for action. He also keeps a variety of weapons and tools on hand, should the need to use them arise.
(LoC) Longtooth's retreat by SteampunkDoc, on Flickr
(LoC) Longtooth's retreat by SteampunkDoc, on Flickr
This is my first vignette, and I'm sorry about the poor photography. Seems that I forgot to turn on one of my lamps.
Hope you enjoy it, and I hope I didn't butcher the Chima story line too much with this.
And as always, there are a lot more pictures in my photostream.
Comments and critiques are welcome and appreciated!