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(Apologies in advance for my terrible photography, I have limited space and only a phone camera ) Joining the forces was hardly an excuse for a holiday but with the promise of peace I gazed upon the great ocean in front of me. The reason for this particular excursion was to set up a patrol between the new coastal lookout posts which had been renovated recently, updated from their imperial days. New Brickika Coastal Lookout by Tom Gray, on Flickr It may have been an excuse to get the boys out driving again after all, it was a spectacular view along that golden wall. New Brickika Coastal Lookout by Tom Gray, on Flickr The squad was good company although the jeep driver seemed a little to common for my liking. New Brickika Coastal Lookout by Tom Gray, on Flickr New Brickika Coastal Lookout by Tom Gray, on Flickr Inside, the captain was listening out for 'enemies' on our top-grade tech. I am positive all that static will drive him insane though he wouldn't be the only crazy one in the army. New Brickika Coastal Lookout by Tom Gray, on Flickr Anybody in that filthy RoN thinking of a sneak attack on New Brickika would surely fail due to installations such as these! [Bonus; a wee look at the tank based off of the UK 'Warrior' tank] New Brickika Coastal Lookout by Tom Gray, on Flickr New Brickika Coastal Lookout by Tom Gray, on Flickr (Please Judge)
This is just a simple micro-scale coastal castle I cooked up. Overall view. Untitled by mlarbconnor, on Flickr Another view, sorry for the shadow. Untitled by mlarbconnor, on Flickr Back view. Untitled by mlarbconnor, on Flickr Feedback appreciated, thanks.