I was wondering if there is any guidance on the passage of calendrical time in BoBS? Is there some kind of timeline of current events as they get MOC'ed? It says on the BoBS intro page that the year is 615, and that was written last year so if we are following real time it must now be 616, right? Maybe its 17th February 616? But then it presumably takes several months to sail to New Terra and nobody wants to wait for their sigfig to make that journey in real time, equally many of the bigger builds would take months of real time, so maybe the game is going faster than real time? Anyone got any ideas or guidance on this?
And just so you don't think I'm a total dork, I don't mind what the answer is, I just want to keep my sigfig's adventures within the bounds of the space time continuum. I realise we're all here to have fun, not to create a perfectly realistic parrallel world!