It was a beautiful summer day in Mitgardia. The dwarf on guard atop the wall certainly thought so, as he smiled benignantly upon the snow studded landscape as far his the eye could see. And so thought the Mitgardian soldier snaking through the underground passage, though for different reasons, for he could not see a foot in front of him. In fact, the reason he thought so because it seemed as though he would finally accomplish what he had been attempting for the last fortnight, namely, making his entrance into the dwarven fortress before him. He had been charged by Sir Uridius Dratiphe to gather as much information as possible about the dwarven plans. It was by now a well known fact that the dwarfs were planning to invade Avalonia, but where and how they would cross the border was the question. Suddenly he ran into something hard, just under the wall. He was about to give vent to his frustration when he heard voices in front of him. Creeping forward silently, he put his ear against the wall and listened.
On the other side of the wall in the castle's underground council chamber (dwarfs will do such things, you know!) a few of the leading dwarfs were having a council. "We are honored to have you here general," said the governor, "what news do you bring us from the frontier?" "All going well, mayor, our brethren are gathering weapons all along the border. In a few days all will be prepared for the attack. Best of all, Elon and all his men have not the slightest idea of our plans!"
Additional wall pic:
My entry to Category A of Challenge III
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