Open channel message #009 to Octan Corporation..
Location: F02 - Lesser Drigo
Tags: Exploration, land Vehicle,space ship, Engineering.
Terrain:While dominated by volcanic activity, the deserts here hide vast water supplies.
With Guy on his way back to the OCS Axel, Hans-Heinrich Himmelmann, was still among the only member's left on Lesser Drigo.
"Hans, I need your help over at my camp to install a dish on my mech to serve as a listening station..."
"Hey JS...Help you dish...I'm Kinda Busy...uh huh hmm..You have some beer there...ha, sure on my way.."
"sweet come on down then.
After an hour or so
JS Smith was able to hook up the tanker to the water canisters while Hans came on by with his tools
After a hard days work a few beers were in order, Cheers.
This concludes lesser Drigo, JS was told to head back home before getting set for his next order request and HANS went back to his camp to finish with his work.