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Excerpt from Bas Manuu’s Journals: Rumor has it that one of the first jedi temples was hidden deep within Devaronian jungles in the Karatokai mountains. Our fellowship had been searching the jungle for weeks, when we finally found the hidden mountain path to the temple. What we found filled us with hope and wonder. A jedi, floating above the Altar of Balance. Maybe he could be the one. Maybe he could be the guide we were promised...
I've had this idea for a jedi for some time. This proved to be the perfect time to create a build around him...
From left to right: Rrui'kar Ko'uli: Male wookie shaman. He left his tribe and family of Kashyyyk to join the fellowship in search of gifted force users that could help the galaxy. Unknown: Female human, Unknown: Male aqualish. The Jedi: A jedi who survived order 66 and has been in hiding ever since. Unknown: Male Devaronian, and the guide on Devaron. Bas Manu: Male unknown, force devotee, and brilliant artificer...
A few more behind-the-scenes shots: