Carloni BENEDETTO studied with the most famous master glazier of Eslandola, before leaving for Tortuga, after a small (but deadly) trouble with the local governor (in fact with his daughter). On the road to a new life he met a banned doctor
they became friends, and both finally head to Tortuga, soon to be caugh up by Carloni's Brother, Camillo, leaving Eslandola too (a trouble with the governor's wife as it seems )
Carloni and his brother decided to settle here and to go back to their art. And Carloni started to blow again :
the molted glass is taken out of the oven
and quickly but carefully blowed over a marble plate
first chiseling
second blowing, more longer this time
and the final chiseling
the final casting, in a marble bowl, now the piece is almost perfect
and will wait on the top of the oven to finish the firing (note the sand supply next to the oven and the pigment on the shelf)
if the firing must me more smooth, there's a smaller oven just beside, near the coal.
the finished pieces wait on the table near a crate of crap (everything is not always a success and Carloni will trash any piece which is not perfect)
second oven and craps
The workshop
will be licenced as a small artisan for Tortuga