[Rom Mohc] If Agent An wanted you dead, you'd be dead. I take it as no coincidence that you received a non-fatal blow at point-blank range on the same planet with a newly operational cybernetics lab. But, these cybernetics are not cheap, nor are the localized holo projections you need to stay in business, as a shape-shifting assassin.
[Zaz Sikari] Thank you Herr Mohc, your skills, provisions, and counsel are appreciated, and I will pay my debts.
As for you, my greatest of friends... the debt I owe you surpasses anything that my meager bounties could offer. Please know that I will always draw my sword by your side.
Commenor Bay by Ryan McBryde, on Flickr
The wounded Clawdite assassin, Zaz Sikari, has little time to waste. He is lucky to be alive, but now must service a massive debt to the Xenovet corporation for his new cybernetics, as well as whatever it's going to cost to get a black market hologenerator around his new arm. Luckily his first target was an obvious one - a large bounty he had been avoiding because of the risk. The Hutt gangster was a protected guest of the Queen Mother, but his usual bodyguards were not welcome amongst Hapes's polite society so he was vulnerable to the unfamiliar faces of the monarch's private security. In the moonlit night within the capital's gardens, Zaz attacked...
Hutt-Hapes by Ryan McBryde, on Flickr