Moaning Myrtle Bathroom V2 by Hugo, sur Flickr
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Moaning Myrtle Bathroom V2
Made by Uruk/ Hugo
Moaning Myrtle Bathroom is my big Moc from Chamber of Secrets.
More than 5700 bricks- 3 months of conception, building, fixing mistakes...
The scene takes place in the bathroom where Moaning Myrtle is living, after her death. The bathroom is the key of the chamber of secrets. Lot of things happen in this place: the scene of Polyjuice Potion, the attack of Miss Norris, the gate of the chamber of secrets with the professor Lockhart, the discovery of the black book.
If you are a huge fan of Harry Potter, of Chamber of Secrets and my Moc, you can buy the instructions:
ps: Look the others pictures of my Moc in Flickr and Instagram
Uruk/ Hugo
Moaning Myrtle Bathroom V2 by Hugo, sur Flickr
Moaning Myrtle Bathroom V2 by Hugo, sur Flickr
Technic of sinks: ... 155846.jpg ... 155953.jpg ... 155953.jpg
Technic of windows: ... 160325.jpg
technic of floor: ... 155953.jpg ... 174521.jpg ... 174848.jpg