Hi all,
With a house move it's been a while since I made anything but finally squeezed in a small Moc. I wanted to try some sort of contrasting landscape so a present:
"Fishing" on the Nocturnus Boarder.
Husbandry Challenge - Food's scarce but some have found luck finding enough to support themselves by venturing to the boarders. Usually quite risky as the war means that the boarders are a common place for clashes or full out battle and so most people avoid these areas. The offshoot is food is more readily available for those few brave enough or foolish enough to venture out in search of food. You're just as likely to get a sword in the gut as a good meal!
I'd like to claim UoP Doctorate credits for:
Landscape Design - flowers and dense foliage
Agriculture - 'Fishing'
Geography - River scene
Hydrology - flowing water
C&C welcome.